Hadyn jones

New Member
Have had trouble with black smoke on my 04 Freelander, went by a lot of comments on this site that said change the intercooler hoses, i have done that and replaced them with silicon ones, but i found that the old ones were all wet with oil, can anyone come up with anything
Black smoke suggests over-fuelling, or under-airing.

Oil can get into intercooler hoses from turbos, they use oil as a liquid bearing and it is impossible to seal them 100%. I have yet to strip off an intercooler hose that is not filmed with oil, a paraffin rag for hoses, and a good swill out of the intercooler with the stuff usually helps.
Yes thanks for that Seffy, just done that with a good spray, have allready put another engine in it a few months ago cos the turbo blew with deisel seeping into the sump so getting a bit paranoid at the mo although apart from that it runs well
Did you clean the intercooler out between turbos, if this is still restricted then black smoke will happen, otherwise check the maf sensor and egr valve
Clean the intercooler out, clean the manifold out but remove the MAP sensor first, clean the EGR or use a bypass one, change the PCV filter, Air filter. drop some forte cleaner into the tank then drive it like you have just stolen it, 1st up to 25mph 2nd 35mph 3rd 50mph 4th 65mph then then slow down to about 50 drop straight into 3rd up to about 60 into 4th up to 70 do this a few times, give it a good clear out.
Thanks for the advice, have changed the egr valve,cleaned out all the manifold ,had a full Terraclean system done on it changed all filters including the crankcase filter, but still getting some black smoke, would a diognostic machine show up any over fueling

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