brake fluid in the pas fluid ...??? thats a new one on me ... ? ?
It's an old trick, the brake fluid makes the seals swell and stops the box leaking. Its only a temporary fix and the box will eventually start to leak again but it can put off the inevitable for quite some time (years?)
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Just to ad my two pence worth,, Yes i have had V8 R/R and now on Discos ,,BUT If you buy something that's stated mechanically good then it should be good end of story..You should not have to spend a fortune on it to get it road legal.
Warning. There is a 7 hour internet delay between Sheffield and the Rest of the World.

Stop takin' the ****, we get post nearly every week now, the gas light in our village has been replaced with an electrickery one and there's a lad down our street going out with a girl! and he's not even related to her!
i purchased a td 5 defender of them in 2004 november my first landrover only live 10 miles away the td5 was only 3 years old set off and was well chuffed.till a mile later went to wind the window up handle came off in my hand i laughed and chucked it in the passenger side once i got some speed up the shaking off the steering was horrific 3 ujs were shot. also discovered all the wheel nuts were loose.
I e mailed craddocks who replied apolagising and offering to do any work to put right but i found i could not trust them they let the vehicle go out in this condition, so my mate sussed it all for me


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I have a fair bit of sympathy for the OP. He probably paid over the odds for a vehicle from a well known Landy organisation. If they said it was mechanically sound then many of the items listed by the specialist should have been sorted prior to purchase.

It is irrelevant that he wasn't competent to pick these things up himself.

It seems to me though his mistake was not to revert back to Craddocks to put things right in the first place.
Theres always some dealer or other seller that are basically dishonest when selling their vehicles. Its an age old con that goes on all the time. How many of you out there have bought a landy and found out what its really like about a month into owning it.

Ive heard it all from dealers and sellers, 'this ones got a recond gearbox' and that ones got near new engine. Yeah, look how clean that geabox is it was done just a couple of months ago. 'oh no its not the carb, its an electrical fault, you just have to change a lead and it will be fine'. Theres always someone out to rip you off.

The experience needed is not the ability to look over cars but with the ability of identifying the con-artist lying and cheating you out of your hard earned cash.
John Craddocks - useless, awkward to deal with company in my experience. Parts order placed, money taken from card, nothing delivered. Chase order up with them to be told no order had been placed! They had somehow got account numbers mixed up and sent the order to someone else with no trace of it on my account even though they had taken payment from me. They only conceded this because the courier contacted them to say they couldn't deliver the parcel.
The last time i used Craddocks they just kept sending the wrong parts! Don't think i'll be trying them again.
i ordered from them this morning. Its not been delivered within 5 minutes. How fricking useless!!!! :mad:

On previous orders from them, its been delivered the next day though...

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