Big Ad, where did you get the most interesting answers - on here or on Land Rover UK Forums?
Open fires never generated any issues as I am aware, but the solid fuel appliances and gas ones with controlled flues are the killers. Modern houses are almost air tight and many people fit these appliances, particularilly log burners and gas fires without recognizing a need for a vent in that room, of the approapreate size as well I might add.

Log burners are becoming very common and easy to fit, and no liners are being fitted, then no maintanance. I never fitted a liner in mine, but you would get the jail if you did it with gas appliances.

In relation to both smoke and CM monitors and alarms, here is my view. Follow the instructions supplied with the alarm and fit it carefully, changing the battery's every year and testing it every month.

In addition to this I would always fit another CM alarm at head height, where I sit in the living room and where I lay in my bedroom, in addition to this a smoke alarm also fitted in the bedroom at head height as an addition to the one you should have fitted to the ceiling.

In certain smoke conditions and I say this because not always is there a fire, wiring melts under the floor, alarm clock melts, electric blanket shorts. Smoke generated from these items contains cyanide and three or so breaths and it's over for you, smoke usually rises with heat and if there is not a great deal of heat its at your face level in bed.

I say this from experience since we have regular power cuts and on one of these occasions I was awoken by what sounded like my alarm clock being strangled. The power had gone off and came on with such a surge that it fried my alarm clock and the room was full of smoke at my wifes side just below the bed level like a mist. It took fokin ages to get to the alarm on the ceiling.

For all they cost, fit them. CM has no colour, taste, or smell, you just get tired and fall asleep, and die.
i concur:)
and the rest are just senile

Oi ya fooker, not "just" senile, I take great pride in my stoopidity, it's the great dawn of reconing when yer get old and all yer bits fail, and yer get away wif things a young fooker wunt.
im a student by trade :)
currently studying for a National Diploma in Countryside Managment.

Damn someone got there first! Professional student, living off borrowed money and running a Land Rover on part time earnings. Studying Electronic Engineering.
ermmm since when has being a student count has having a job ?

Fook orf Sean. It takes dedicatshun and commitment to be a student, :mad:

All those long nights in the NSU Bar trying to see who can make a pint and a pkt of peanuts last the longest. Then having to get up before 10:00am and get to a lecture before returning home and having to be subjected to 5 hrs of daytime TV, before returning to the NSU bar and repeating the whole thing again. :D :D
All those long nights in the NSU Bar trying to see who can make a pint and a pkt of peanuts last the longest. Then having to get up before 10:00am and get to a lecture before returning home and having to be subjected to 5 hrs of daytime TV, before returning to the NSU bar and repeating the whole thing again. :D :D

sounds like good training fer becoming a firefighter
tis a difficult life being a student, what with pints only costing 1.60, and ur college being surrounded by plenty of greenlanes, with like mided mates with landies :)

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