
New Member
Hi all,

After 15 years of Jeeps and 10 years in Canada, it's time to come on home. Gonna get me a old Disco in the next week or so and get some laning and playing done. So the kids what it's all about. Just thought I'd pop on and say "Hi".

Won't be my first Landie though - had a Lightweight and an S3 109 pickup, but they were over 20 years ago now, so it's like I'm starting from scratch.

Steve H.
:welcome2::welcome: and I hope you bring a good sense of humour and photos of your next purchase.
First pic - just arrived home and very quickly washed. Just a few niggly jobs to do over the long weekend, then some bigger ones over the next few weeks or so.


Steve H.
Defector from Jeepland eh! D'ya think he's a spy sent to report back all our dirty secrets...(Storm):behindsofa:

I've actually been spying on the Jeep mob for 15 years. I have now returned home and I'm ready to report all *their* dirty secrets...

My full report is available on request, but I can sum it up in four words: same ****, different bucket.

:welcome2:to Crazy Town ... with a Disco like that you get ten free Gaylander **** take tokens ... off you go, start on Hippo first :p

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