Iv been and got replacement for every nut and bot on the axles and got new disks, pads, calipers, swivels and everything else I need to make them like new, so hopefully I'll get around to fitting them this week, I just need to give them another coat of paint first.

I need to buy a brake pipe flaring tool and a torque wrench, has anybody got/used the cheap ones you can buy on eBay?
Brake pipe flaring tool, I use a sykes pickavant flaremaster. Not cheap but good.
Although I've heard good stuff about these. Never used one, but was tempted to buy one as it looks smaller than the sykes pickavant one, which is handy at times.
Brake Pipe Flaring Tool Powerhand PH-BFT-316 3/16" | eBay

Torque wrench I rarely use. Mainly for engine things, other than that it's done by feel.
But I've got a Teng one when I do use it. Again not the cheapest, but reasonably priced for quality of tools.
Brake pipe flaring tool, I use a sykes pickavant flaremaster. Not cheap but good.
Although I've heard good stuff about these. Never used one, but was tempted to buy one as it looks smaller than the sykes pickavant one, which is handy at times.
Brake Pipe Flaring Tool Powerhand PH-BFT-316 3/16" | eBay

Torque wrench I rarely use. Mainly for engine things, other than that it's done by feel.
But I've got a Teng one when I do use it. Again not the cheapest, but reasonably priced for quality of tools.

I think I need to get on eBay and see what I can find.
Lots of parcels turned up today curtesy of Gwyn Lewis who sorted me out with a full suspension package, I can't wait to fit it.

its time for a update on my rebuild i think, so what have i done in the last month... and the answer is nothing!
iv been away with work so i haven't been able to do a thing, and i also broke my neck which is going to slow things down a bit :( (i broke my C6 vertebra so i had to have a bit of spinal surgery but i should be back up to 100% in a few month) anyway back on topic.

i got a nice call from Richards Chassis saying that mine will be ready in 2 weeks time and my galvanised bulkhead should be ready around the same time too, exciting stuff.

my first job will be to paint it so i need to order that this week, iv been researching for a while and the plan is to T-wash the new chassis, then primer it with Jotun Jotamastic 87 Epoxy Marine Boat Primer and then paint it with Jotun Hardtop XP High Gloss Boat Paint. its supposed to be really good stuff. and then ill dintrol the inside.

what colour do you think i should paint the chassis? i was going to paint it black but I'm warming to the idea of putting some colour on it, maybe blue or grey. all of the underbody components( arms, suspension components) are going to be blue too so it might be too much.
Also what do people normally do about the earths when painting a chassis as i don't want to be painting it and then having to scrape it off so i can attach an earth, should i attach a few earth cables before i paint it? if so where?
iv just had a thought, i have 2 50L compressors in my garage, as I'm going to be spraying the chassis would i be able to link the 2 together using a spare airline and the just turn one of them on??? has anybody tried this?

I'm still unsure what colour to paint the chassis, i need to decide quick though. iv narrowed it down to black, grey, blue or white.
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Time for an update I think, iv not really done that much to be honest but I'm collecting my galv chassis and bulkhead next week so I should be able to get it rolling fairly quickly.

I primered all the suspension parts and then gave them a coat of ultra marine blue so they are all nice and shinny now and ready to bolt onto the chassis.

I also gave the A frame and the radius arms a coat of blue

I then fitted the springs and retainers, the back plates, new disks and pads and calipers and a new diff flange to the rear axle, so that's almost down now, I just need to torque the flange up as i didn't have my torque wrench with me, then fit the drive shafts, add some oil and attach the new axle breathers.

Hopefully I'll be able to crack on finishing off the front axle now and then they will be ready to pop under the chassis :)
The blue is Gwyn Lewis' fault, he sent me some blue trailing arms so I decided to paint everything else to match :)

I bought grey paint in the end, if i don't like it I'll just paint over it. I can't decided if I should brush or spray it on?

I think grey will go well with the blue.

I did mine with spray cans for the etch primer, then a brush for the black enamel paint I used. A spray gun would have made things a lot easier as there are bits you can't get to with a brush, such as inside the rear crossmember and the outriggers.
Like the blue looks really good
as for the chassis I would get 2pk made up in a can and use that make life really easy
jewel paints £10 a tin
I think grey will go well with the blue.

I did mine with spray cans for the etch primer, then a brush for the black enamel paint I used. A spray gun would have made things a lot easier as there are bits you can't get to with a brush, such as inside the rear crossmember and the outriggers.

Iv got 2 spray guns so probably going to spray it, I need to buy a gazebo of some sort so I don't get overspray on everything.

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