Hello and :welcome:

Do you know what model you're after?

Attached might help if a Defender, and even if not might be of interest

Defender Buyers Guide

The forum is great, however does mix some great advice with a very heavy dose of mickey taking - just so you know:D
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I hope it doesn't turn out like the last one. Welcome to the zoo Jaqueline. :welcome2::welcome:
Thank you very much for friendly welcome, yes I think I would like a 90 rather than 110, it is just me and the dog, I might let Hubby in occaisionally. I don't know difference between the Series 1 and a County? I will do some research. Does "Junior member" just mean that I am new, because have just turned 50 and it is very flattering if not - Maybe this landy craving is a midlife crisis !:D
Junior Member/Member/Senior Member automatically changes depending on your number of posts

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