"Paul - xxx" <notcheckedever@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> dht typed:
> > I'm looking for a jack to use for changing the tyre in an emergency on
> > my landy. I don't want to be carrying my trolley jack around with me,
> > and the original has disappeared. The biggest problem seems to be
> > height and stability for jacking the vehicle. Any suggestions
> > gratefully received.

> A lot would depend on which Landy I guess, but my Disco has a bottle jack

> the engine compartment that works. Gotts to be a tad careful about it
> though .. ;)

At the ange of five I was helping my Dad change a wheel on his VW LT
motorcaravan. With everything securly in place he allowed me to opperate the
wind up jack, but in a classic 999 moment he allowed his attention to be
diverted while his eager son slowly jacked up the camper.
His face was a picture when he turned to find the hightop van at an insane
angle, ready to topple, and little me still winding away.
There was no disaster, but it was a good introduction to jacking up

Will a defender or series LR stand on three wheels? If a jack fails while
changing a wheel is it going to roll onto your head or balance nicely?


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DavidM djm81NOSPAMatcam.ac.uk


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