you havent had to change uj's and remove propshafts at the side of the road covered in mud yet then
ive lifted my disco and its ****in amazin every 1 dats on here dat sed its a bad idea r rong

since your talking in morse code

dashdotdashdot dotdotdash dashdot dash (-.-. ..- -. -) ;)

im sure you can figure it out.

as long it impresses the rest of your bruvvas in maccy d's car park s'ok, now all you need is a boomin system, a steering wheel the size of a shirt button and those 15yr old girls will be lovin ya

FFS, I thought chavs only bought Saxos and Corsas :doh:For future reference its


You might also want to get the 'G' key fixed on your keyboard ;)

Anyway whats so '****in amazin' about it? Does it look awesome? can you now drive over other cars in traffic? does it do a lap of the ring in 8 mins dead? Some more info would really be useful to back such a bold statement up :)
ive lifted my disco and its ****in amazin every 1 dats on here dat sed its a bad idea r rong
you talk like a wrongun. And how ****ing amazin is it?I had me 110 lifted, it was alright, nothing to shout about.Did split some strides though
ive lifted my disco and its ****in amazin every 1 dats on here dat sed its a bad idea r rong

here's some help...................................

I've lifted my discovery and its ****ing amazing, everyone that's on here that said it's a bad idea are not fixing their propshafts, brake lines etc. at the side of the road :p :p :D
God i prey your not from round my way, bad enough image as it is. :rolleyes:

Now where did i park my xr3i......................
Just found his other car:D:D


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