
2000 4.0 auto ....I've just LOCKED keys in motor . Keys in ignition ,jumping box on my brand new battery,wind blew door shut .Bonnet is OPEN .
Can any nice person ,PM me , with the workaround to central locking , all the best .
This doesn't make sense, did the battery go flat, have you disconnected it at some point?
Assume you have only one key? At what point did the central locking activate?
I don't know the answer to this.. what happens if you disconnect/reconnect the battery on a locked car where the key is in the ignition? Assume it will stay locked but I'm not sure, I've not tried this.
Do you have the valet key? It's a regular key blade without the fob part
Hello,... new dead battery discharged ,not been driver's door ,tried to start ,grabbed jumping box, door/,bonnet open ,connected,activating central locking and wind blewdoor shut valet key as I wouldn't have this problem .
I once managed to drop my only key fob down the side of the driver's seat while getting out of the car at work. I'm still not entirely clear on the sequence of events but must have caught the lock button as I dropped the fob & the door slammed shut. I called out the RAC & the guy very quickly slid an air wedge into the top of the door which when inflated gave sufficient gap to hook a long metal tool onto the door catch & lift it up to open.
I once managed to drop my only key fob down the side of the driver's seat while getting out of the car at work. I'm still not entirely clear on the sequence of events but must have caught the lock button as I dropped the fob & the door slammed shut. I called out the RAC & the guy very quickly slid an air wedge into the top of the door which when inflated gave sufficient gap to hook a long metal tool onto the door catch & lift it up to open.
Yep, a wedge of wood or such will hold top corner enough for you to go fishing with a long strong coat hanger thickness of wire to pull a catch or leaver.
I got stuck in my 2016 Scooby this way, wind, and recovery firm did this too

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