
New Member
Well the leak I had was definitely the rad;) ,so i've sent for a new un.I thought while I was oily after de-gunking the engine that I might aswell take the old rad off ready,all was goin well till the bottom oil cooler pipe twisted:mad: I need to fix her up by thurs or my fishing trips in jeopardy:( I've had a quick scan on the net and found replacements for a tdi but none for a td,mines on an 89 plate and i was told that the tdi's didn't come out till 1990,me is confused,does anyone know if it will fit,or can you recommend anywhere that I can get one from,also a rough idea of the price would be a bonus:) failing that is there anything else I could use instead?
cheers all
Try following the link below to the land rover orphanage. The guy there knows his stuff and I'm certain he has pipes to fit. I think they're about £19 each

Otherwise, if the pipe is cracked and you want a quick and cheap repair, it can be repaired with Pro-Weld which is available from most motor factors. I've used it myself and it really will work. Mine has done over 1000 miles so far and no leaks! This stuff is advertised as being suitable for repairing cracked engine blocks! and is resistant to most substances and heat.

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