I origionally posted that my set up was fine but recent I have noticed on three seperate occasions mine leaning to the right.

The odd thing is it doesn't do it all the time.

When I did notice, it was obvious, so obvious that if it did it all the time I would notice.

Each time its been parked on an even flat surface.

Been parked up on plenty of even surfaces between without a lean.

It very odd.
It could be possible that you have the plastic spring seat stuck in the upper spring mount on just one side thus giving marginally more height, or you could have one of these between a dislocation cone and the seat of the upper spring mount? (I did this once :eek:)
I would have suggested that your rear ARB link had gone overcentre and was stuck up against the axle (that gave an old Disco of mine a terrible lean until I sussed it) but you have one of those fancy lockable ones - I don't suppose you've maybe undone it one end to see if the car pops back straight?
Just a hunch, thas all :)

It's all good thinking but I've checked those already. Spring seat things binned years ago. Still leans whether the X-Deflex is locked or not. Thanks. :D

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