Ah skwerkit......all the power to the plugs goes through the ignition switch, no reylay, which seems a bit daft to me but then if the switch is up to the job why not.

Any how there is a light on the dash but it's a matter of holding the key against the equivalent of the starter position then letting it return and pressing a starter button, which amuses me. It would make life easier if I dint have to hold the key in the heater position first, just let it return and let a delay thing do the work, I'd have more time to pick my nose of a morning.
Ah! - meks sense now - sorta.
duz that mean that the "starter" position just powers the heaters?

can yu measure the current they take?
reet then grunt - got it sorted - all things are possible:D albeit not very pretty - got ya a squirkit using 2 relays and the timer:eek:

wot duz this light show - duz it show heaters are to temp - or just bin on fur a length of time?

cud use the light to trigger a relay if it shows yu useful info. Duz anyone know?
reet then grunt - got it sorted - all things are possible:D albeit not very pretty - got ya a squirkit using 2 relays and the timer:eek:

wot duz this light show - duz it show heaters are to temp - or just bin on fur a length of time?

cud use the light to trigger a relay if it shows yu useful info. Duz anyone know?

It just shows the current is going to the plugz. It's the orange light you've got on your dash, but on a doosul it shows yer heating yer plugs.

Grunts just fkn lazy if you ask me. Trouble is wun't you need a winter an' summer setting. It used to take me far longer to pre-heat me plugs in't winter & just a quick blast in the summer.............unless you have a sub-circuit running to a thermostat to measure the ambient temperature then it adjusts the pre heat accordingly, by which time you may as well have bought a fkn slitty full of elektrickery! No good'll come of it, you mark my wurdz! :rolleyes:
ok, i need to jump in on this one. should the light be on when ign is set to II (on my 90)? just curious. cos on II on my 90 i only get batt and oil light. when im cranking it over i get the orange light you speak of aswell, along with the handbrake light :(

Nah, dunt think so, thinking back to my 200Tdi, there wasn't an intermediate 'just heating the plugz' position, only on me ol' doosul III. Dunno fer sure if it's the same on a 90 tho'?
Have 90's got same dash's as Deependers with the bank of lights to one side/unner the dials or just two dials wiv lights like a Series?

You have to actually hold the key between the two positions to make the light glow/pre heat the plugs onna III.
It just shows the current is going to the plugz.

I have a prob with this, Marcus! - why, if as Grunt sez - yu keep the ignition switched to heater poition until light goes oot - it cant just tell yas yu got current going to plugz unless they turn emselves orf automatically; in which case why aint it just wired to the ignition on circuit?

either I got it wrong (agin), grunt is telling porkies, or yu got it wrong.

wot always amazes me is - why aint there an interlock so you put ignition on and the engine wont start till heaters are up to temp - easily achieved?
Reet then av ad me nap.

The Ignition switch has three positions, off, general lectrickery an glow plug heating position. when you turn the key to glow plug position the key is under springy type tension like a "normal" engage starter motor position, in this position all general lectrickery is off, when you think the plugs are hot enough you leave go of the key so it goes back to second position , then press the starter button. If the plugs were hot enough the engine will burst into life, if the engine is running a bit lumpy I'll then give the plugs another blast "post heat" which will sort it out.

If I can rig a timer up to it like the 200Tdi it'll make life easier cos I won't have to hold the key in position while on preheat or post heat. Ok Ok Ok Ok I know it's only ten seconds but ten seconds can make a lot of difference you ask our Myrtle.

The dash is the same as the defenders with the glow plug light in a bank of warning lights to the right under the fuel gage and temp gauge.

I have seen some one selling post and pre heat systems for a small fortune. I reckoned I could do it for less than a tenner using a delay thing and a relay.

Can't measure any current type stuff at the mo cos it's in loads of bits.
Oh aye an the lectrick to the starter button is interupted while the key is in glow plug position.
so - wots the light show? power to glow plugs or wot? Does the light go orf on its own accord or is it on all the time yu is holding the ignition key in the "heater" position?
Light shows power to the plugs and is only on when the switch is in heater position. No timer no temperature sensor no nuffink.
I have a prob with this, Marcus! - why, if as Grunt sez - yu keep the ignition switched to heater poition until light goes oot - it cant just tell yas yu got current going to plugz unless they turn emselves orf automatically; in which case why aint it just wired to the ignition on circuit?

either I got it wrong (agin), grunt is telling porkies, or yu got it wrong.

wot always amazes me is - why aint there an interlock so you put ignition on and the engine wont start till heaters are up to temp - easily achieved?

Amazes you? Issa fkn Series.............interlocks FFS! Yer mad I tell ya!

Like wot Grunt says, it's a springy thing. Ya hold it there 'till ya think it's cooked. It dunt go ping like a microwave.

To be honest, nevva knew how me 200Tdi worked, just turned the key & it always started on the button, no waiting, nothing. I thought it was pixies with flame throwers but I might've bin wrong.

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