
Active Member
when driving at reasonable speed, there is a noticeable hum from the rear

It is either diff or wheel bearings

When on straight road and at speed, take car out of gear and coast along, hum remains unchanged, as car slows hum reduces. so pretty sure not Gearbox.

Have had car checked and it went through MOT like this last week.

Cant seem to identify any issue with wheel bearings to rear. Is there any other method of testing that would confirm Diff or wheel bearing.?
Sounds like VCU...are your tyres all the same and are the least worn on the rear? Could try to swap them front to rear and see if the noise goes.
VCU? Vcu Bearings? on rebuilding my prop at the minute and it was damn noisy before I took it off. Old vcu and bearings off, 2 of the 3 UJs replaced - just have one more UJ to stick on, the new VCU to stick in and the gaiter to replace and then it will be back on the car - hopefully be done by the end of easter. Not overly impressed how these feel in 2 wheel drive.

Mind, the fuel economy has changed quite a bit - not sure if a dodgy vcu can impact this or not, as i always thought taking the prop off made very little difference.
Yea, Like , I know what an A Service check sheet is.:p..What is it?:rolleyes:

"A" service is the regular service that every car needs, often known as an annual service. It's printed out for the technician follow, while doing the work. It contains things like oil and filter changes, top up screen wash, and any other regulator items that need doing or instructions for things that need checking.

On the Freelander 1, the A service sheet it has swapping the rear tyres left to right as a service item.

This is done to reduce the stepping that can occur with some types of tyres, when fitted to the rear of the Freelander.

This stepping can also be made worse when odd make tyres are fitted front to back. This is why having identical tyres all round is so important.
check your tyres rear... they tend to wear jaggedly due to vcu i think...mine hums to, but im pretty sure its the way the tyres have worn....I can see and feel the jaggedness....

edit: Stepping as Nodge says (just read the post properly) any more info on this stepping bussiness Nodge?......I have slack VCU but still rear tyres show this stepping.

But have never swapped lwft to right...might give it a try.
any more info on this stepping bussiness Nodge?......I have slack VCU but still rear tyres show this stepping.

The stepping is caused by the constant, slight drag that the VCU imposes on the rear tyres. It's not much, but is sufficient to cause the stepping, on some types if tyre.

Swapping the tyres left to right makes the tyres un-step, stopping the hum and prolongs the tyres life.

I swap mine front to back every 2-3K miles, so stepping isn't an issue for me.

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