I thought if you alternated btw a lhd and a rhd youd eventually build up the same muscles in your legs instead of having just a strong left thigh from the clutch in a rhd :eek:

No it just evens up the suntan on the arm hanging out the window
I spent the best days of my childhood in these...would choose one over a Ferrari...saying that I've never desired a Ferrari anyway!

That is actually the very last Series 3 to come off the production line in 1985...pity it wasn't built for this country...

Well im sorry, but ferraris never really appealed to me either (more of an american muscle car fan myself) but surely given the chance, u wud choose to have a ferrari!!!??? U cud then sell the ferarri, buy the landy, an hav sum money left over to buy something fun like a bowler?? :D:car::crazy_driver::rolly:
What has this thread done to me?!
The disco's door ladder arrived yesterday, and I shall be fitting it today. Should be keen as fook but all I've been doing this morning is scouring, ebay, pistonheads, autotrader etc. for series 109 SWs. The bug is back and in force!!

Doing those sums in my head... "if I sell my disco for X and buy a good 109 for Y I'll have Z left over to spend on bla bla bla". Landys are a dangerous business, I'm so easily swayed!
What has this thread done to me?!
The disco's door ladder arrived yesterday, and I shall be fitting it today. Should be keen as fook but all I've been doing this morning is scouring, ebay, pistonheads, autotrader etc. for series 109 SWs. The bug is back and in force!!

Doing those sums in my head... "if I sell my disco for X and buy a good 109 for Y I'll have Z left over to spend on bla bla bla". Landys are a dangerous business, I'm so easily swayed!

We're thinking along the same lines RS...I wish this guy would give me my refund so I can get searching for the same...I hear they plan to do away with MOT test for classic cars too...the thinking being that people who own them look after them better than other drivers and don't let them get into a dangerous condition..
We're thinking along the same lines RS...I wish this guy would give me my refund so I can get searching for the same...I hear they plan to do away with MOT test for classic cars too...the thinking being that people who own them look after them better than other drivers and don't let them get into a dangerous condition..

It would be ideal if that becomes the situation. Although I dare say, that it might bring alot of un-roadworthy classics back onto the roads.

It's annoying because normally I rationalise my craving to own another series, by remembering how slow and unwieldy it was. How noisy, and wet, it was inside. How my girlfriend hated it. How it seemed practical, but yet wasn't because I used to try and avoid driving it on short runs - planning my day around where I dare drive it. The alternative was of course my disco. It's great at everything it does. It's fairly reliable, good on the tarmac and off. Good on the motorway, it ticks all the boxes. But it's god damn boring! I miss tearing round the countryside, and hearing the noise of an old engine parping away as I push down on the throttle. I miss walking away from my car, and looking back at it, and taking a picture every time I park it.
For what it's worth, if I could do a straight swap, today, of my disco to a half decent 109 SW I'd do it in an instant. lol
It would be ideal if that becomes the situation. Although I dare say, that it might bring alot of un-roadworthy classics back onto the roads.

True but they are making it clear that they still have to be roadworthy if stopped by the police...

I miss tearing round the countryside, and hearing the noise of an old engine parping away as I push down on the throttle. I miss walking away from my car, and looking back at it, and taking a picture every time I park it.
For what it's worth, if I could do a straight swap, today, of my disco to a half decent 109 SW I'd do it in an instant. lol

Ha ha you old romantic you..:D I do miss the times I had in the old beasts though...everything was practical...the dash perfect for tea time, flask cups steaming up the windows...now the defender even has a big ugly dash which looks like a disco 3...just don't have the same appeal as they did...then again they aren't even British anymore...okay so they're built here but that'll probably change within a few years too...give me an old series every time :rolly:
We're thinking along the same lines RS...I wish this guy would give me my refund so I can get searching for the same...I hear they plan to do away with MOT test for classic cars too...the thinking being that people who own them look after them better than other drivers and don't let them get into a dangerous condition..

You do realise pre-1960 vehicles are now MOT exempt as of a few weeks ago, right?
They don't make series landrovers any more.
Girlfriends however....

Haha true enough. Maybe I should re-think the whole girlfriend vs landy situation?... then again, a landy can't give you blowjobs, so swings and roundabouts really.

I think whatever happens, in the next few years, I will have to get myself a nice old series, before the prices rocket, and demand for these classics goes through the roof.

Life is on the whole pretty boring. Most of our lives we spend in our place of work away from our familys, friends, and hobbys, and so the time we spend going between all of those things, is pretty precious. I don't want driving to be just another mundane embuggerence in life. Darting around in some foreign peice of **** with mod cons galore. I want it to be an adventure, the beatles playing away on the old crackly stereo, and to not just use driving as a method of travelling from A to B, but to actually enjoy the journey.

Everyone these days wants to buy a bigger, faster, better car, drive a bit faster, have it a brighter colour etc.. I'd be happy to simply chug along in a battered old 109 station wagon, looking out the window at the countryside, taking the B roads everywhere, enjoying life rather than wasting it rushing from A to B.
I'd be happy to simply chug along in a battered old 109 station wagon, looking out the window at the countryside, taking the B roads everywhere, enjoying life rather than wasting it rushing from A to B.


Hmmmm...that didn't turn out as expected..!
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