Got my hippo fully waxoiled in the summer this year :eek:)

Mine is spotless dispite being 7 1/2 years old now.
Never had to touch it, bodyshop was surprised about it when I was getting my nudge bar fitted.

Tyres do make them, hense my synchrones are staying put on it. Only done 17k on them.
Your freelanders ability to function in the snow depends on your capability as a driver and the tyres fitted. hardwearing, summer tyres will be sh1t.

A/T tyres are probably the best halfway house with regard longevity, useability, cost and performance in all weather.

Spot on, If you haven't got the right tyres you'll get stuck. Fit a set of A/Ts that are known to be good in the snow (Such as Avon Rangers, Toyo open country ATs or General Grabber ATs) if they are currently road biased tyres fitted and/or there's less than 4mm of tread left you will get in trouble. The Freelander, if fitted with the right tyres, is very good in the snow especially if it's a model fitted with TC.

I've driven all though the Swiss alps in the winter in a crappy hire Ford Escort without any problems - it was fitted with proper (studless) winter tyres. My brother's Series II was a death-trap in the snow on its rock-hard mud tyres - just skidded everywhere. Tyres, tyres tyres!

Not long now!
Freelanders are great on snow and ice. The traction control system works well. They got it just right. :D

Up hill on a 15 degrees slope on snow and ice:

[ame=]Freelander 1 v6 Electronic Traction Control Demo Up Hill On Snow And Ice - YouTube[/ame]

But if yer gets stuck to can always ask a disco owner fer help :doh:

[ame=]Disco vs. Freelander - YouTube[/ame]
Our Freelander was great the last two winters but it is true.... good winter tyres and good driver required. Lol not only a good advice for Freelanders but every car out there!!!!
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