
Active Member
Farewell chaps,

After a year and a half with my P38, the nature of student life has persuaded me to sell her on to a new home, to which she left for this morning. I think that home will be a good one, and she will receive far more attention than I can give her with only being at home for half the year!

So with this, my 800th post, I mark the end of my P38 ownership, but with it I thought I would give a couple of obituaries.

Firstly for the car; she has been a constant source of fun, pain, stress, pride and satisfaction, and an occasional source of despair and joy! We journeyed Cornwall together, and travelled far for boating trips. At home, there was unrivalled comfort and majesty through south west London, making trips to limo guests to black tie dinners, and to haul rubbish to the tip. We had a single off road trip together last year, when she roamed deep ruts, climbed hills, and forded a body of water magnificently, with no issues. I gave her new airbags, cooling system and multiple electrical repairs and updates - I'm fairly confident no other car has a satnav with my own Dalek voicepack! Finally last week, I loaded her up and with my return to Oxford drove her one last time; didn't miss a beat, and I was certainly sad to watch her drive away afterwards.

But secondly, and far more importantly; to Landyzone and all the great names who've helped me over this time! Without this forum I could not have kept her going in the way I did; there would have been pointless garage trips for trivial issues, and I think I would have surrendered without the helpful (and sometimes very unhelpful but funny) comments on here. Members lend assistance through pure altruism, and I hope I have managed to return a fraction of that spirit to other members, but there are some powerhouses that I think deserve a special mention:
To Datatek; a tell-it-how-it-is source of pretty much everything one could need to ask on the P38! I doubt there is a single thread I've posted where he hasn't added something useful to it, and there certainly isn't a single one where I hadn't hoped he would give the right answers!
To Wammers; an engineering guru the likes of which I have never encountered! I don't know if he is just incredibly fast with RAVE, or truly fantastically knowledgeable but, the level of detail he can deliver on a question about complex engine/gearbox/brakes/electrics... or pretty much any other issues, it is amazing.
To Saint V8; a glimmer of hope in the world of Range Rover ownership! Despite the constant reasons and posts many give that really should (and does) suggest we shouldn't own them, he has always expressed support for what is undeniably the best vehicle in the world. When he moved on to the L322, he went against all sensible logic and reason, just so he could have a newer, more comfortable Range Rover, but it is such a great attitude, and one I have endeavoured to follow during my ownership.
And finally, to MrGorsky; he invited me round to use his Nanocom during a time of difficulty. The generosity and good naturedness was wonderful, and it was made all the better by the absence of any serious fault codes!

I think that event really sums up my time with Landyzone; I came, I asked, I heard, I gave back, I asked for help, and I was given help. A spirit I have found nowhere else, and I am so glad to have been a part of it.

I am not immediately fleeing, indeed I fully intend to keep posting where and when I can, and to remain a community member, but I will no longer be a "pure" member of the Range Rover section of Landyzone.

So Thank You everyone, for everything, and I wish those still with their Rangies all the best for years to come! :)
All the best and no doubt you will be back as soon as the RR addiction kicks in once more. Wonder how many other forum members would take the time to post there appreciation on past help received :rolleyes:

Good luck :)
I dont know what to say, except to be praised alongside the likes of Wammers, Datatek and MrGorsky is a true honour....

Dont be a stranger, you will be warmly welcomed and then we'll start taking the p!ss outta you again!

God speed young man, study well, party hard and regret nothing.
Thanks :)

I don't expect I'll be after another car for quite a few years, but if I do I'll be sure to let you know so you can mock whatever piddly hatchback it is :p
Thanks :)

I don't expect I'll be after another car for quite a few years, but if I do I'll be sure to let you know so you can mock whatever piddly hatchback it is :p

Get out there and take on the world matey. You have the qualifications after owning a P38. Good luck. :);)

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