
Active Member
i think we all know wat it is like out side and our landys come to the resuce.

but as i am new to 4x4in do i put it in diff lock on the snow and ice ? i havent done so far but will it make a different if i do ? i dnt drive that fast because of the conditions but goin slow and puttin it in diff lock make a different ???
that make sense guys ?

i have a disco 1 200tdi 1993 !

cheers anthony

any 1 resuced any 1 today ????? let us know how and where ? pics if any aswell
it can result in wind up if yer drive to long wi diff lock on and aint advised

sure someone will explain it better but its not advisable to drive with it on unless you absoulutly need to
Depends on the road conditions, if you can see tarmac - then yes driving with it on all the time may break something, if the road is white over - stick it in diff lock, might make all the difference!

Do remember though, just because you've got more grip to get going, you still turn into a sledge when trying to brake or steer...
Depends on the road conditions, if you can see tarmac - then yes driving with it on all the time may break something

Driving is driving dont make any difference what the road surface is and you will get wind up.
A bit of wind up is expected but a lot aint good and if the lock dont pop off when you disengage the lever you may have to reverse to 'unwind'.
Driving is driving dont make any difference what the road surface is and you will get wind up.
A bit of wind up is expected but a lot aint good and if the lock dont pop off when you disengage the lever you may have to reverse to 'unwind'.

Driving on sheet ice lets the wind up dissipate by the wheels spinning though, so you still won't break anything!

After 'fixing' my diff lock last year, the bloody thing was stuck in lock for 400yds till i managed to stop... the car moved forwards 18" by the time i'd got it fully unwound - it was a nice dry summer day though...
I would only put it on if I thought traction would be lost, it's white all over here, yet I am getting on just fine. If the tyres are still getting grip you will cause extra strain. If like parts of here there is an inch of ice under everything from the frozen snow 3 weeks ago then it could be useful, but then again I have not had any issues yet.
If the roads covered in snow, mines in Diff lock pretty much a lot of the time tbh.

If ANY wheel can spin on the surface, then the wind up will be minimal, but remember it does "affect" steering, but on the flip side does provide a LOT more control when descending slopes / hills, its far better to have both axles locked togther in that situation.
Its pretty bad up here, but haven't had to use diff lock at all as the disco is coping spot on!! My transit is proving "fun" though. As for the XJR, forget it!!!
I wish my disco was working but with the handleing the way it is I don't want to add snow to the mix anyway off to landy suspension specialist tomorrow for him to tell me what's wrong with it. Fingers crosssed
you will only wind the diff lock up if all wheels have grip and not going in a straight line

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