
New Member
I had Mike from Dynachip pop round Tuesday evening on his way home and chip my TD5 and straight away you feel the performance difference, but what has really surprised me is the difference towing. I had to take a Vivaro van on a trailer some 50 miles and the low down torque now is phenominal. Also the sheer increase in power is so noticeable that in the end I had to put it on cruise as the speed kept creeping up to what I felt was a bit high for that sort of load. Its the best investment that I have made in my Disco for ages and made it such more enjoyable to drive, especially when towing.:D
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I'm still in the giddy right foot mode after having mine remapped, but make sure you look after the engine now with regular service as you will be putting a little more work on it.

Towing a caravan next week for the first time, im worried ill forget its on the back.

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