
New Member
Well, it's been nice knowing you all. But tonight, I sold the P38. It has gone to a new home and hopefully, the new owner will have no problems with it. I sold it with no known faults, so hopefully he'll have a few years of cheap ownership. He should pop along here too as there's a nice sticker on the back to encourage him.

I have never been on a forum where I have learnt so much from so many people. As an amateur weekend mechanic, 15 months of P38 ownwership has taught me so much! I'm now not afraid to tackle almost any job. But it wouldn't have worked without this forum.

Since we no longer have 2 horses and a heavy double horsebox to tow, there is no need to run a Range Rover. It is an expensive luxury, so it's gone, in favour of a little Hyundai Santa Fe to tow my small boat.

So farewell and thanks! :)

I might be back one day...

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No need to be a stranger Nik, keep popping back and share some of your newly gained knowledge with others as after all, that is what makes a forum tick - if we all asked questions and no one was around to answer them it wouldn't work to well...

So keep dropping by, but remember to use the tradesman's entrance from now on please :D:D:D:D:D:D
All the best Nik.
Speak to you again when you get fed up of the Hyundi Sants Fa and return to a RR.
Good luck fella
I mean in 6 months when you walk past a p38 with a for sale sticker in the window
Good luck in walking by lol
Good luck Nik mate hope all goes well for you. If you think P38 stuff was expensive wait til you start buying Jap parts. :D:D
Cheers Nik, it's been a joy having you on here - always the gentleman.

Now feck off to your jap crap.
Good luck Nik...hope the visits to the petrol station will be less frequent !!!:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi
Well, it's been nice knowing you all. But tonight, I sold the P38. It has gone to a new home and hopefully, the new owner will have no problems with it. I sold it with no known faults, so hopefully he'll have a few years of cheap ownership. He should pop along here too as there's a nice sticker on the back to encourage him.

I have never been on a forum where I have learnt so much from so many people. As an amateur weekend mechanic, 15 months of P38 ownwership has taught me so much! I'm now not afraid to tackle almost any job. But it wouldn't have worked without this forum.

Since we no longer have 2 horses and a heavy double horsebox to tow, there is no need to run a Range Rover. It is an expensive luxury, so it's gone, in favour of a little Hyundai Santa Fe to tow my small boat.

So farewell and thanks! :)

I might be back one day...


My Hyundai was ultra reliable but became very thirsty, it was a mistake to get rid of it, I should have tried to sort the fuel consumption problem.
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Hel be back.
When I sold my p38 I said never again,i couldn't find anything else I liked,now I'm in an l322 and loving it.
My Hyundai was ultra reliable but became very thirsty, it was a mistake to get rid of it, I should have tryed to sort the fuel consumption problem.

My Brother's little Daihatsu Sporttrak got worse and worse on fuel until it ended up doing 20mpg (about the same as my Rangie!) out of a little 1.6! We spent hours fiddling with the damn thing. It rolled freely, the FI system seemed to be in tip-top condition, ignition and all consumables too - temp sensors were reading properly etc. - never did work out what was wrong with it.

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