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About 18 months ago my company car arrived, at about the same time as the big red 300 brick's MOT and tax expired. With work commitments increasing I didn't have the time to prep for an MOT so she's be SORN'd ever since.

Last week Mrs Dufty decided that at fou*cough*ty years of age it's time she passed her driving test and rather than blow a grand or so on another car I've decided it's time to get the spanners out and get my hands dirty!

Not sure what it'll take to get through the test yet but the list is already growing:

First up, and a guaranteed fail, the previously patched O/S Rear arch has detached so needs a new one. Not ideal but I can live with that.

The bonnet cable has been jammed for 12 months so I haven't even able to turn the engine over. I've tried a gazillion ways to open the bugger but tonight (having waited a couple of days for some bonnet clips to arrive) I reached the last and most drastic resort and with the help of a crowbar & lump hammer I 'persuaded' the release mechanism to do just that and it finally popped open

The good news is there's no more rust under there than when she was parked and all fluids are still at the correct level so (fingers crossed) I'll try and turn her over in a day or so, but not before the tyres have been replaced...

She's sat on the original (and bloody awful) alloys, 3 of which were knackered when I bought her and have never been able to hold air for longer than a week. The tyres were knackered and balding too and would be lucky to pass so I popped on fleabay last night to see what was out there.

Lucky me bagged a set of 16" black modulars wrapped in a set of ATs. Almost fell of my chair when the offer was accepted :eek:

Hoping to chuck the new boots on tomorrow and then have a bash at turning the engine over by the weekend then all being well that'll be enough to get me to the MOT station where I fully expect a painfully long list of repairs to get her through.

But at least that way I'll know where to start!
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Might as well weld the arch up before you go?
Never know... you might get lucky! ;)

Not trying to tell you what to do... I just don't see the point in submitting a car for a test with things you'll know it'll fail on. If something crops up and you have to direct your attention to more important problems elsewhere you could end up losing your free re-test.
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Was just making an insomniac brew and thinking exactly that same thought. Can't see me being that lucky but as you say, worth patching it first so I don't have to worry about it later.
I've decided to do my own repairs. I've never used a MIG and my dad's old ARC best has finally died so I'm looking for something to get me started. Any recommendations for something cheap and cheerful (it'll only get used once in a while)?

I don't have access to a wind-free area if that helps.

Given the current state of the 300 (moss and all :eek: ) I think I'll post some pictures later and turn this into a build thread. I have big plans!
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In the best of re-build traditions, here's the "Look what I found in a barn" image, apples an' all.
Note the rather fetching green tinge to the headlamps... :5bblush5:

I really should be reprimanded for allowing her to get in such a state but I'm sure I'll be forgiven when the MOT man eventually says "Yes!".


Shopping list
Starter motor (tried turning the engine over only to hear the dreaded 'tick-tick-tick' of the motor not actually doing anything) - Just bought one from fleabay for £26 :D

Set of non-alloy wheel nuts - found these which look awesome, bought

O/S Rear arch repair panel

Trolley jack :)
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Im not sure a Disco is a great car to start learning in, little hatchbacks are more normal kind of thing but if needs must, why not, if she learns in one of those she will be able to drive anything! Or will it be her daily driver when she passes? Most women I know wouldnt have the bottle to drive one so fair play to her.
Im not sure a Disco is a great car to start learning in, little hatchbacks are more normal kind of thing but if needs must, why not, if she learns in one of those she will be able to drive anything! Or will it be her daily driver when she passes? Most women I know wouldnt have the bottle to drive one so fair play to her.

She drove the 300 on L plates when I first bought it but wasn't all that fussed about passing her test at the time. Now she's determined to pass ASAP so I need to get the beast sorted.

You're spot on though, having learned to throw this bugger around last year she found her new instructor's little fiesta a doddle to bay park :D

I have the company car so the 300 will be the school bus for a while.
I quite like the "ugly" alloys. :(
You have to mirror polish the lips up mind! :p

They look great on yours and that's a nice looking disco. Unfortunately mine are battered to fook and don't hold air so had to go. No amount of powdercoat and brasso would resurrect these buggers! :p
Well i taught my better half to drive in my 200. Then she had a few lessons in a normal car that she would do the test in, and she passed first time.The ironic thing is to now insure her on the 200 as a licence holder is too expensive .
She drove the 300 on L plates when I first bought it but wasn't all that fussed about passing her test at the time. Now she's determined to pass ASAP so I need to get the beast sorted.

You're spot on though, having learned to throw this bugger around last year she found her new instructor's little fiesta a doddle to bay park :D

I have the company car so the 300 will be the school bus for a while.

i **** out thinkin its big noisy and cumbersum she wont wanna drive !!!!!
how wrong could i be she goes every where in it preferes the disco to the escort cab and the st tdci modeo
yer just cant win can yer
Guess I should feel fortunate that the rot isn't as bad as some I've seen, but it's still enough to be a PITA. Going to be fun getting a grinder into that tight corner.


The old seam has split and needs re-repairing.

This is the bit that really worries me though, not looking forward to seeing the other side of the rubber :(

Still no joy finding a whole arch so looks like a patch repair is in order, at least for the MOT. I'll replace it as soon as I can find the whole panel for sale.
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I did find full arch on eBay. About 150 a piece. But cane to do mine an couldn't find it again so just patched mine. Still in the process of doing it.
Havnt got Many pics will take more at weekend coz im going to do a bit more weather permitting.


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Just spoke to the chap who sent me the wheel nuts (turns out they were from Britpart) and asked if he could get the arch repair panel (MWC4840). Same problem here, Britpart no longer make it either but he knows a couple of other manufacturers who may be able to help. Should find out on Monday coming :)

As I wait for the new starter motor to arrive, I guess I can play with some of the other new toys I've ordered, such as these beauties which arrived today:

Meanwhile, the wheels are on and looking pretty fine so now we wait and hope it's good news on Monday...
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