I do the same mileage but self employed so I have to pay the lot.. :( Can't even stick veg oil in it like I did with the Paj. :( :( Don't even know anyone who works on the lorries either.. :(:(: ;)
It is. Mines been running mondo for several months now. Normal pulling away at the lights on a wet road gives a bit of wheel spin. Normally the LHS wheel when there's wet leave on the road. I don't like the feeling of mondo but I can accept some like it and it's the easiest fix for potential transmissions problems.

My props are back on again now winter is here. I do like the way it drives when it's as it should be. There is more power than the primitive front suspension can handle in the V6 when it's in 2WD, getting away from a junction in the wet requires a degree of care. In 4WD you just plant the throttle and the car does the rest :)
Do you find a drop in economy? I never found much difference with a properly working VCU.

I didn't notice a difference.
Btw I'm self employed as well, but I usually (but not always) negotiate a mileage allowance if I have to drive any distance.
Worse case scenario, I just get tax relief on my mileage.
Do you find a drop in economy? I never found much difference with a properly working VCU.

No. Err Yes, well sort of??
There isn't really any difference in fuel consumption, something like 0.1 mpg and that is probably because of the weight saving!!
I do remove the VCU/ props for 6 months of the year for the following reasons.
A make the VCU and bearings last longer.
B so I can swap the front and rear tyres to even up the tread, (fronts wear faster) this way the VCU as working as little as possible.
I also like to take the car to the MOT as a 2 WD so it gets a proper brake test on the rollers.
But BBC says:

At the time of writing, the balance of probabilities suggests that the pressure pattern on Christmas Day will be a deep low between Scotland and Iceland, causing mild southwesterlies to affect the country. So at the moment, it looks as though those of us who want a white Christmas might have to keep dreaming for another year..

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