
So, my oil pump has failed and possibly caused a seizure. If I need a new engine, are there any recommendations on a supplier, how much I should be paying for it and a recommendation on where I could have it done in Devon. Any advice gratefully received..
A good idea would be to say which engine you have and what engine you want
Some more details as to how your "seizure" came about could be helpful.
Ah yes, silly of me. It’s 200tdi. Head gasket and cambelt was changed (see my other thread). About a week later I was driving home from work and the oil light came on, I had to limp a few more miles to somewhere I could safely stop. Engine making awful noises. I think the oil pump failed as oil level on dipstick was fine. The worry is that the big end has gone and the engine has seized. I had it towed to the garage that did the head gasket and cambelt, as at that stage I had no idea what the issue could be.

Important to note that I’m not a skilled mechanic, just trying to learn a few things as I go along.

As it stands, my Defender is at a garage, waiting for the issue to be diagnosed.
Ah yes, silly of me. It’s 200tdi. Head gasket and cambelt was changed (see my other thread). About a week later I was driving home from work and the oil light came on, I had to limp a few more miles to somewhere I could safely stop. Engine making awful noises. I think the oil pump failed as oil level on dipstick was fine. The worry is that the big end has gone and the engine has seized. I had it towed to the garage that did the head gasket and cambelt, as at that stage I had no idea what the issue could be.

Important to note that I’m not a skilled mechanic, just trying to learn a few things as I go along.

As it stands, my Defender is at a garage, waiting for the issue to be diagnosed.
for a 200tdi expect to pay some serious money for one that has been rebuilt and even more money if rebuilt but a "supplier" offering any kind of warranty. unknown engine on Facebook that i would want to be giving a light top and tail rebuild before fitting are getting up to nearly £1k these days.
Depending on how bad your engine is I have a reground crank, and may have a good pressure tested block that are about to go into the for sale section if you fancy trying to rebuild yourself, nothing better to learn on than one of these!
Thanks for the reply. When you say serious money, can you give a ball park? Also, what do you mean by “light top and tail”? . Apologies, I just don’t know the terminology..

If I was to have a go myself, is it some that I could attempt with out removing the engine? I have no way of doing that and am not skilled.
So I did a light rebuild on a new to me 200tdi before putting it in my burnt out rebuild thread

I took the sump off and inspected the main bearings. They were still good but would have replaced if needed (tail), and then resealed the sump and new rear crank seal.
I then took the head off (top) and lapped in the valves, new valve seals, new glow plugs.
Then gave it a thorough service new timing belt, new fan belts, all fluids and clutch.

I don’t think you can do the bottom end in situ because of the axle but someone with more experience will be along shortly with a definitive answer.

You can hire engine cranes and removing the engine requires less skill than the work needed to rebuild it as it is just disconnecting and label all the pipes and wires, and then unbolting the bell housing to gearbox and engine mount bolts. Then it will just lift out.

If the engine has siezed you Probabaly want to drop the pistons out and give a light home at least.
Ah yes, silly of me. It’s 200tdi. Head gasket and cambelt was changed (see my other thread). About a week later I was driving home from work and the oil light came on, I had to limp a few more miles to somewhere I could safely stop. Engine making awful noises. I think the oil pump failed as oil level on dipstick was fine. The worry is that the big end has gone and the engine has seized. I had it towed to the garage that did the head gasket and cambelt, as at that stage I had no idea what the issue could be.

Important to note that I’m not a skilled mechanic, just trying to learn a few things as I go along.

As it stands, my Defender is at a garage, waiting for the issue to be diagnosed.
More likely to be camshaft bearing shifted causing massive loss of oil pressure, and as you drove it for a few miles with little to no oil pressure I would say investigation might just be a waste of your money.
Thank you for the replies. I don’t think I‘d like to risk taking the engine out myself in case I can’t put it back together again. If the camshaft bearing has shifted, is that something that can be fixed?
I agree with Lynall above, Given you carried on driving with no oil pressure it is likely all the bearings in the engine are Fooked, Mains, Big ends, little ends, Cam shaft and the Turbo bearing. Damage may also extend to the rocker shaft and tappets. Sorry to say but a replacement is probably what you need.
It is possible to fit the later more numerous 300tdi in a 200 landy.
An example.
Edit: Don't know why my link says that!
And there is the serious money I was talking about previously.
Thank you for the replies. I don’t think I‘d like to risk taking the engine out myself in case I can’t put it back together again. If the camshaft bearing has shifted, is that something that can be fixed?
on the plus side even a knackered engine is worth money for Parts

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