
Well-Known Member
‘04 TD5 ES Auto.

Had a weird one today, yesterday I had some welding on the back left of the chassis (unsure if this is relevant) so left refuelling longer than normal (the fuel light came on about 3 miles before I got there) so that the tank was near empty in case it had to be dropped. It was driven home (about 13-14 miles) without issue and without refuelling). I don’t consider this enough to run out of fuel (?) Today, a mile from home going to get fuel the truck just died. No warning, no rough running, just died. And it’s an Auto so it wasn’t me stalling it and not restarting. It would crank easily but no attempt to start. I got towed to the pump and filled it up (97 litres brimmed). Attempted to start (failed but cranking easily) Did the ignition on, depress throttle 5 times, sit with engine management flashing for 3 minutes thing to purge air. Attempted to start -sluggish crank twice then solonid just clicking.... left truck at the pump and walked to Halfrauds and brought a replacement battery and started first time....

What am I missing? I thought a diesel will keep running without a battery once running? I know the TD5 won’t start if the ECU sees less than 10.5v when cranking but would this cause it to die whilst running? Was this a simple battery failure even tho there were no warnings or sign prior to the initial engine stopping?

New battery once installed is at 12.5v engine off, 14.2v at idle, 14.1v at idle with main beam, light bar, heater fan @ full & both front/rear de misters on so alternator appears to be charging fine....
don't know if just old wife's tail but was car wielded using mig or arc I always disconnect alternator as been told it can damage it, might be a good idea to check battery is charging, could be that it has not been reconnected or is damaged, normally light would be on but would be good to check just in case, but think more likely MJI is right and you just ran out of fuel then flattened battery
Should be able to get up to 50miles after the fuel warning light comes on.

Do you (or anyone) know how much fuel is left in the tank when the light comes on?

I’m not convinced on the running out of fuel theory, when being towed to the pump the needle was just on the top of the red sector of the gauge... yes, the light was on but I wasn’t expecting to run out before getting to the pump. I hadn’t been hooning around a corner (fuel rushing away from the pickup point kinda thing) I was just sat in slow moving traffic, trundling to the fuel station and the engine spontaneity stopped running.

I was also surprised by the way it died. It just stopped. Like ignition turned off stopped. No spluttering, no lumpiness, no dimming lights.... driving fine then stopped running.... it just feels like I’m missing something.... other than my marballs for driving a Landy in the first place!
Do you (or anyone) know how much fuel is left in the tank when the light comes on?

I’m not convinced on the running out of fuel theory, when being towed to the pump the needle was just on the top of the red sector of the gauge... yes, the light was on but I wasn’t expecting to run out before getting to the pump. I hadn’t been hooning around a corner (fuel rushing away from the pickup point kinda thing) I was just sat in slow moving traffic, trundling to the fuel station and the engine spontaneity stopped running.

I was also surprised by the way it died. It just stopped. Like ignition turned off stopped. No spluttering, no lumpiness, no dimming lights.... driving fine then stopped running.... it just feels like I’m missing something.... other than my marballs for driving a Landy in the first place!

Mine did that the one and only time I ran out of fuel.
Do you (or anyone) know how much fuel is left in the tank when the light comes on?

I’m not convinced on the running out of fuel theory, when being towed to the pump the needle was just on the top of the red sector of the gauge... yes, the light was on but I wasn’t expecting to run out before getting to the pump. I hadn’t been hooning around a corner (fuel rushing away from the pickup point kinda thing) I was just sat in slow moving traffic, trundling to the fuel station and the engine spontaneity stopped running.

I was also surprised by the way it died. It just stopped. Like ignition turned off stopped. No spluttering, no lumpiness, no dimming lights.... driving fine then stopped running.... it just feels like I’m missing something.... other than my marballs for driving a Landy in the first place!
the fuel pump assembly sits in a plastic can it has a rubber one way valve that lets fuel in but can also let it out, the can needs to reasonably full to supply the pump a poor valve and an empty tank isnt going to get you far

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