I guess I’m working it from a new recon box is about £600 from Ashcroft’s. plus a few hours labour to swap them over. It took me just 4 hours to get mine swapped over and this was on the side of the road, no ramp, on my own and using an engine crane through the cab. I can’t see how there’s more than 8hrs labour involved so that puts it at around a grand.

Even the basic one from Ashcrofts is still £600 + VAT and delivery.
Just because there are some bits in the transfer box dose not mean it is fubar, they will have come from the output shaft and input chewing up. It may be worth giving it a cleanout and check for damage.
Still doesn’t add up to 2k in my book, but it does in theirs, so it’s all a bit of a moot point.

Yes I agree, it’s a WAY off £2K. I also agree that it’s not exactly a difficult job, and like you I done mine roadside. I didn’t have the engine crane (just 2 of us to lift it onto the output shaft), and swapped it between dayshift and nightshift, so know it can be done for less than £1300-1400 in labour.
Update - £1200 for the new/recon box. Ashcrofts after adding bits and bobs would be around £900(and an extra 4/6weeks wait) already waited 5 weeks. Told that my transfer box gears, etc. were that shot wouldn't have been accepted on exchange. Full days labour +£800 and input/output shaft. Turned up to pay, told that £2k was +VAT, needless to say, we discussed the fact they held Landy to ransom(£600 to get it back without being fixed), sharp practice by garage, £2k inc VAT as confirmed over phone, and the social media reviews I intended to leave and that they were a "shower of shi*!". Bill revised and paid via credit card in case there are any issues. Rattle on way home and discovered they hadn't tightened bolts on exhaust they removed to drop transfer box/gear box! Gear stick seems a little stiff, but reluctant to take it back to them based on experience! Just wished I'd had the confidence to do it myself on the driveway, but you live and learn, even if the learning was expensive.
Also, they hadn't even bothered to throw a bucket of soapy water on it after 5 weeks standing under a tree in their yard! In addition, said on test drive the Landy needs rear shock absorbers replacing, I bid them farewell and made a quick get away!
Update - finally took Landy for run post the saga of new transfer box and garage issues. All seemed well, until I decided to check diff lock hi/low. Went to a quiet car park and engaged low diff lock seemed ok, hi diff lock ok, both in straight line driving. Attempted to put back into just hi range and struggled, light stayed on, then realised need to set off for it to switch off. Light off and turned left slightly clunking from transfer box/forward, Noooooooo! Crapping self now, worried another trip on the back of a pick up. Waited a few minutes then tried again, all ok. Headed straight to garage for reassurance. Mechanic took for test drive with me in it and all seemed ok on hi range. He struggled to put in low range diflock and then hi range diflock, all seemed ok, no sign of knock. Put back into Hi range to set off and knocking appeared when he turned, almost as if transfer box/prop “winding up?” Stopped re-engaged hi and all ok, headed back to garage. Yes an issue, never had problems with replacement transfer boxes in past, Too busy at moment so they will have a look in a couple of weeks, but been told shouldn’t be a problem driving normally?

Worried they are going to try and blame something else(more money) or is it the new/recon box to blame? Since then I’ve nipped on to a car park in normal hi range and put full left and then right steering lock on no knocking so CV joints and drive train seem ok.

Also, just found the gear change support bracket(UCB500150) on the floor 2nd row. This wouldn’t be causing any issues, plan to get them to refit when I head back in 2 weeks?

Apologies for “war and peace”, but trying to give you as much info to help in your advice/observations.

Update -
Finally sorted, took Landy onto unmade/mud car park and transfer box/diff lock worked perfectly, no knocking. Must have just been too much grip on tarmac car park when originally tested diff lock, dooh! Took it back onto tarmac car park in normal driving hi range and did full lock left and right, no knocking so front cv joints ok. Garage fitted support bracket, job done.
Now onto rear a frame ball joint replacement, rear shocks…………..!
Update -
Finally sorted, took Landy onto unmade/mud car park and transfer box/diff lock worked perfectly, no knocking. Must have just been too much grip on tarmac car park when originally tested diff lock, dooh! Took it back onto tarmac car park in normal driving hi range and did full lock left and right, no knocking so front cv joints ok. Garage fitted support bracket, job done.
Now onto rear a frame ball joint replacement, rear shocks…………..!

Rear shocks are a very easy job. I’m assuming after all this you’re having a go yourself?

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