
New Member
I'm in the process of selling my 88" Station Wagon & buying a modified Series 3. It has an Isuzu 2.8 engine in it. I know nothing about these motors other than it's turbocharged, it runs really smoothly & is fairly quiet. It is mated to the standard LR gearbox, clutch & running gear.
Is there anything to look out for or check out with this conversion? Up until now I've always stuck to a standard Landy.
There was one for sale near me a few years back, kinda tan/beige colour, looked good, sounded nice and went well.

Other than making sure its been carried out well I'd think just the usual series bits like rust, if he's done it right it should be a milner conversion plate or one of the other big names but it could be a machine shop made one. Just check the paperwork
By paperwork, do you mean to make sure it's been updated with the DVLA?
I'm not sure that's been done yet even though it's been converted for about 10 years. I'm looking into the evidence I need to supply if that's the case.
No I mean as in who supplied and did the work, V5 should just need updating with new engine number and size I think
I got my series 3 and have had it on the road now for a couple of weeks. It starts straight away, runs smoothly, it's economical & has bags of low down torque for green laning. A Land Rover with a Japanese engine, brilliant idea.
You will need to tell the DVLA about the engine change if its not on the V5 but be prepared for some more work that just doing that.

I looked into this a lot as I'm considering a conversion; you'll need, at worst, a receipt for the engine including its number plus the number of the engine you took out (for DVLA), an engineers certificate to certify the job has been done to a reasonable standard (for DVLA), the original V5 and not forgetting you will need to tell the insurance company too.

Some people have got away with making a fuss about the engineers certificate and receipt but I wouldn't bank on it. DVLA are aware of the shenanigans surrounding Land Rovers and things like engine swaps, they ask for the receipt for the engine's purchase to make sure they can record the vehicles correct identity as well as what happened to the vehicle it came from.

I would just be prepared to make a fuss :D

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