I can't believe this thread has reached 28 posts and no one has told the OP about the complaints form

Just had a stroppy email from Paul at landy zone

I cant believe you wasted 15 minutes of your life writing to Paul and then opening a thread about it...

I would love to see the exchange of PM's, I know what I would say :D

Well done Mr. Humphries (I presume)

and nice customer complaint form pikey, made me chuckle it did :)

Just had a stroppy email from Paul at landy zone after I brought to his attention a hilux 4x4 owner using this site to organise green laning trips am I completely missing the point isn't this site just for landy lovers?
Please tell me if I am wrong am confused:confused:

Ok seeing that we've decided to break the rules and discuss emails on the forum, i shall put my 2p in too.

As pointed out this chap is new to the forum and clearly has not spent a great deal of time browsing or he would have realised that many members don't actually own Land Rovers. That includes me at the moment an i'm damned if i'm banning myself! the reason for my "stroppy" email was purely to match the tone of the one i received.

Said member really should try to think a little before writing so not to upset people. To set the scene, i have anything up to 50 emails waiting to be sorted when i manage to log on after a 12 hour shift at work. Some are very tedious complaints about silly things but i have to look into them. Loads are people who have not registered properly and complain that our system is faulty, and i have to investigate and sort it out, many times finding it frustrating but doing it anyhow because at Landyzone we value our members. However this member decided that his first contact with Landyzone would be as follows:-

"Why is this guy Hilux4x4 on the forum? read his profile he wouldn't even own a landy in his own words please remove him asap"

and my reply was :-

"Is this an order? what makes you think i would want to remove him from the forum?? i can't see any problems with any posts that he has made. Unless I'm missing something of course?."

Now personally i wouldn't say that my reply was "stroppy" however if the rest of you think it is then i shall apologise, for having to deal with what i read as an order, from someone who has never contributed to this extremely busy site.

One shall await the Jury's decission. (thats you lot by the way:D)
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don't you dare apologise to the jumped up little ****e lol, and yes that is an order...............El capitan sir:D:D
Ha stroppy, lmao the guy needs ta live a little maybe search sum freds then he mite grasp stroppy!!
don't you dare apologise to the jumped up little ****e lol, and yes that is an order...............El capitan sir:D:D
i agree with you, some peeps just love to have a whinge and dont contibute anything positive so if anyone needs banning its the op
fair play cap'o.jus cos its called landyzone it dont mean we av't be blinkered t anything thats not land rover.n any bod thats want it t be miz well fuk off n start thi own forum.
"Why is this guy Hilux4x4 on the forum? read his profile he wouldn't even own a landy in his own words please remove him asap"

and my reply was :-

"Is this an order? what makes you think i would want to remove him from the forum?? i can't see any problems with any posts that he has made. Unless I'm missing something of course?."

Now personally i wouldn't say that my reply was "stroppy" however if the rest of you think it is then i shall apologise, for having to deal with what i read as an order, from someone who has never contributed to this extremely busy site.

One shall await the Jury's decission. (thats you lot by the way:D)

Think my reply would be short and sweet ... "****ORRFFFF"
ar, wrong Paul. I put paul, greenlanes and toyota together and got Mr Humphries :D

send the guy a link to the LRO and LR4x4 forums, more likely what he's after, then cancel his account and ban him. You shouldn't have to waste anymore of your time on this.


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