
New Member
Just had a stroppy email from Paul at landy zone after I brought to his attention a hilux 4x4 owner using this site to organise green laning trips am I completely missing the point isn't this site just for landy lovers?
Please tell me if I am wrong am confused:confused:
you are wrong.
this is the internet - open to everyone, except spammers.
there's plenty of peeps on here who don't have landys - hey Nick?
shirley the point here is that peeps may have more than one vehicle. If they get help with their landy, why shud they be stopped for asking about another of their vehicles?
I Dont have a problem with it.
If they are talking green-lanes on the green-lane section, thats what its there for, innit?
So they drive a Toyota... obviousely they get better quality advice on a Land-Rover forum, take it as a compliment!
More slitty owner there are the more we can rip the piass outta them :D I'm all in Favor, No fooking snobs on LZ please, I fooking hate scantimonius ****s who think that If you don't own a landy you shouldn't post on the forum.
Just had a stroppy email from Paul at landy zone after I brought to his attention a hilux 4x4 owner using this site to organise green laning trips am I completely missing the point isn't this site just for landy lovers?
Please tell me if I am wrong am confused:confused:
this about the essex thread?The geezer with the jacked up toyota lives down the road from me and hisa motor gets used.Mines sat on the drive for 6 months now!And hes going out with landies.Im all for it, anyone who gives me a tow is welcome!
Just had a stroppy email from Paul at landy zone after I brought to his attention a hilux 4x4 owner using this site to organise green laning trips am I completely missing the point isn't this site just for landy lovers?
Please tell me if I am wrong am confused:confused:

says the cock with the princely total of 1 post, and that was to moan. Gee he sure has made a worthwhile contribution to this forum, and it is easy to see why he is so upset.

so to answer your question if you can't get it from the responses:

if you want to stay on this forum stay,it's open to anyone i believe.;)
we even let slittys in.....oh hang on thats how we got here in the first place.
Bloody slittys with there reliability and comfort and general lack of agricultrial feel.Damn them!
we even let slittys in.....oh hang on thats how we got here in the first place.
Bloody slittys with there reliability and comfort and general lack of agricultrial feel.Damn them!

i agree,but it should not preclude you from this forum should it.:confused:
Whats wrong with trannys?? Just because i drive wearing my grandmothers underwear doesnt make me a pervert...
I posted on a Toyota Hilux Surf forum making it blatantly obvious i was a landy driver just after info about our local pay n play and after much **** taking they were most helpful and we've been there many a time!

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