Listen gold.... as I said to you already, when did I ever say it was crap..

Have I said everything about it was crap, eh nope..

I also said of you'd read it that it was serviced inc the auto oil and filter done about 6 months by the mech I use but hadn't been used.

Yes it's up to me if I want to waste cash getting something the same as it is with you or anybody else so get out my face, there's a good lad :D
Listen gold.... as I said to you already, when did I ever say it was crap..

Have I said everything about it was crap, eh nope..

I also said of you'd read it that it was serviced inc the auto oil and filter done about 6 months by the mech I use but hadn't been used.

Yes it's up to me if I want to waste cash getting something the same as it is with you or anybody else so get out my face, there's a good lad :D
I was going to edit your post by putting a Y on the end of lad but in my experience she falls well short of that title.;):D
Listen gold.... as I said to you already, when did I ever say it was crap..

Have I said everything about it was crap, eh nope..

I also said of you'd read it that it was serviced inc the auto oil and filter done about 6 months by the mech I use but hadn't been used.

Yes it's up to me if I want to waste cash getting something the same as it is with you or anybody else so get out my face, there's a good lad :D
Hi Stu,

I think, while she's put it a bit more firmly than some of us might, Gold Rover has a point.

You seem to have a bit of a downer on the vehicle, and comparing it to other variants that weren't a feasible option for you is a bit pointless. A TDV8 of one displacement or another might be better, but if there were none in your budget that were in good condition, it's not really relevant. Do I wish I had a Bahama Gold Suffix A in mint condition? Yes. Does that make me love my later Classics any less? No, because they're what I can afford and they both make me smile when I look outside (without even driving them!)

It sounds like your gearbox needs a little more attention than a fluid and filter change. If you post your whereabouts, people on here will usually be only too happy to help you find somewhere that can do the job if you're not able to do it yourself. If you want to have a go at doing something, people on here will also give you great advice about how to go about it. It's a fantastic community of people who are incredibly helpful.

Personally, I only take my Rovers to specialists now. Other garages don't seem to get Land / Range Rovers in the same way. I find I pay more for parts, but less for labour, because they do the job more quickly being that much more familiar with them. Specialists, not Main Dealers though. Find a good local specialist and you'll have a very different ownership experience.

Sticking a map on to try to offset the problem both won't help for very long, and will likely do more harm. Getting the box sorted will make the vehicle more drivable and economical, at which point you'll know if it's a good fit for you, and will hopefully add some value to the vehicle if you decide to sell it on. An informed buyer will pay more knowing you've fixed what seems to be a relatively common issue. If you keep it, from what Gold Rover says, it'll do another 80k miles before you're looking at a repeat.

You're welcome to ignore the advice, it's your money and your vehicle, but there is valuable experience behind the advice.

I hope you get it sorted and love your Rover!

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