Isn't there an 8 point system dictating how far you can go in radically changing a vehicle before you need to get it reapproved?
Isn't there an 8 point system dictating how far you can go in radically changing a vehicle before you need to get it reapproved?

Goes like this(point are awarded for the following)

Gear box

All of these have been changed they can loose the plate & have a Q
Are we looking at the same vehicle? What I see is a series 3 with minor mods like repeaters in the wing's and Defender door mirrors.
Are we looking at the same vehicle? What I see is a series 3 with minor mods like repeaters in the wing's and Defender door mirrors.
The blue one with black doors.
The rear lights ain’t even in the right place for a series.
Yes its totally gone can't even retrieve it through recently viewed. Probably be listed again as didn't look like it was reaching the reserve.

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