My knowledge of cars can be written on a pin head BUT my experience of owning a D2 from mile 1 to mile 253,000 over an 18 year period is that a D2 chassis rots from the inside out! The rear part adjoining the fuel tank traps the water and merrily rots away undetected for many a year! Hence the need to spend many pennies to repair or replace!
There will be many very experienced people along soon to add their two pennyworth.:)
I never know how to inspect chassis really. Any I have seen just look horrible, but surface rust is very different to rot. Wish I could get an inspection done, maybe I will look for an indie nearby who would do it for me. busy at mo but considering a few lately including one off this forum in for sale thread, lovely low mileage but think it might be a bit too agricultural as i need to share the vehicle with someone who really likes things clean and perfect (in the cab i mean)
On the note of service history I just added up all the reciepts from 2007-present to do with my P38 and it comes to a grand total of..

£7,271,36 ;) :D

Crikey!!!! It is a beautiful vehicle though, and more worth it than many woman I know who cost their blokes more. :D

On the subject of that vehicle. I checked out the before n after underseal service and it looks decent, in fact it gives me confidence that if the vehicle was accepted and given the 10 year warranty, it must have been fairly clean underneath. At least I would suspect that's the case anyway
That D2 is way over-priced. Pay 4.5k for a very tidy one with 100k i would say.
A poor service history is a reason to ask for £500 off.
Really if you are serious about buying a D2, you want to have a Hawkeye or Nanocom to hand before you buy. Plus if you cant fix stuff yourself they can prove costly to maintain.
Just check it drives nice and smooth and has no vibrations or funny noises. Oh yeah, they all do! A mint chassis is not hard to find, just keep looking until you find one.
Leaks from the sunroof is my pet hate, so thats my recommended check. Take it through a car wash on test drive : )
Thanks. Yes it is pricey especially for a private seller. Reading the description again it looks like it's been for sale for a while, certainly since last year. Having said that, the guy has ignored all emails and phone calls from me, so maybe it has sold, or maybe it hasn't because the guy doesn't respond to people. I despair with people these days I really do.

This is one I was interested in a while back -

Dealer seems to have decent reviews, and they don't look fake. It has had a lot of work done too, by the dealer who said it will barely turn a profit at the sale price so no movement on price. I asked hard about the underbody condition and he coud have been just being very honest (a car dealer, hehe yeah Beavis :D) or lowering my expectations as he knows I would have to travel a long way. Hard to know without seeing and that's a massive and expensive journey which I can't really afford. It only had £350 spent on welding last service (by dealer) and I have the receipt for a LOT of money spent, which suggests all the current stuff has been taken care of. that should maybe count for a lot, but I just got the feeling from this dealer that this isn't as mint as it looks. Can't put my finger on it, but when I asked "Would you say it's got at least a few years in it before it rots out" (a question I thought should be easy to answer with a YES) he said "I can't get into promises like that, it's a 17 year old car....". So I said "I don't want any guarantees, just your honest opinion. if you were thinking of buying it, would you expect a few years before it rots out underneath?" and he said "Well yes, but like I said it's an old car and they all rust underneath. Its been protected with Schutz but you should do that every year if you want to keep it looked after". Maybe my hatred for motor dealers is colouring my judgement and he was just being almost too negative, or maybe my instincts are right and this is pretty standard underneath, i.e. rotten!

Hard to know, but here's the receipt for the work they did on it (it came from main dealer), and it's an impressive spend!

How much does it cost to fit a
My first question must be, Has it had a replacement galvanised chassis?

Just out of interest, anyone here done that? What sort of money does it cost to do? IF I bought a car with a great engine and body but crappy chassis? (I am not planning on it, but if I got caught out, would be nice to know there are alternatives to scrap yard)
Chassis inspection is simple, old clothes, torch, old wooly hat, sharp thing, mobile phone. Lie underneath poke everything, if you make a big hole set the phone to ring, make an excuse and leave ASAP.
How much does it cost to fit a

Just out of interest, anyone here done that? What sort of money does it cost to do? IF I bought a car with a great engine and body but crappy chassis? (I am not planning on it, but if I got caught out, would be nice to know there are alternatives to scrap yard)
I had mine done and it came out at about £5500. Once the body is off there are many 'little' potential problems/improvements revealed which tots the bill up. This was a good number of years ago when the replacement chassis' became available.
No good ever comes of adding up the cost of a hobby. Its highly classified information that could have serious consequences if it ever fell into the wrong hands. I apply the "need to know" principle and and when it comes to the cost of a part I'm the only one who "needs to know".
(Unless its under £5 in which case it is widely paraded to show how littlle I spend;))
Rear anti roll bar linkages, 2 side steps + corrosion treatment, a bump stop starts to add up before you inspect any further
there is no proof or record that any maintenance has been done on this vehicle in 7 years. The answer is bad.
Sorry, which vehicle do you mean? Both of the last two had FSH

Rear anti roll bar linkages, 2 side steps + corrosion treatment, a bump stop starts to add up before you inspect any further
Wasn't sure what a bump stop is. Did you get that from MOT history? (gold one)
My jag had a full main dealers service History from Colliers in Birmingham..
The services from what i can gather were shít, she came with no reciepts.

Rangie had a pertial service history but a full A4 box full of receipts and from what i can gather was cosseted by its first few owners.

D2 had a full service history, however was still hiding secrets..

Personally i'd look for a pile of reciepts over a stamped book!

Most garages i know don't even stamp the book.
I never keep receipts for bits for the cars I write on the on bit of paper that comes with the oil filter mileage and date when changed and stick it in the engine bay and that is about it, but to be fair I would not buy a second hand car from me, they are normally F###ed when I have finished with them

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