john snoo

Active Member
Hi all, I dont have priveleges to post a new thread in wanted section. If any mods could bump me up so I can do that I would appreciate it.

I was very interested in a Disco 2 someone I know is selling. I have only owned one Disco (a 2) and it had a blown head gasket within a few WEEKS of getting it! I went back to Merc, and now trying again. I want a Disco2, but I want an exceptional example with no rot underneath. I know I know, rocking horse 5hit, but I know they exist! I have actually found one in the one I am looking at. It is absolutely pristine underneath. In fact it's pristine in every other way too as far as I can tell. BUT.....

I asked about service history and this is all there is (pics below). I would be grateful for any opinions on whether I should dodge it purely based on the service history? I don't know what common faults they have (I know they have plenty!) so not really sure how big a deal this lack of servicing is. And of course it could have been serviced more than the book shows, but I didn't want to gamble this time. I want a disco which I can love and cherish for at least a couple of years.

Pics below, but here's what I am after in case anyone knows of one for sale...

Disco 2, MANUAL, low mileage, tip top original condition. :)



Its a bit "sparse" for sure. But that doesn't mean it is a wreck and about to expire.
You don't say what the current mileage is?
Go online and look at its most recent MOT's and what advisories or failures there have been.
Thanks for the reply. Sorry I should have said. Current mileage is 114k. I did look at MOT history which doesn't mention rust - VRM is WD04 CCE
I am gonna have a drive in it tomorrow. So I am no longer panicked by the service history (or lack thereof!) but it does still concern me a bit. How can anyone let it go that long and why not stamp the book if they did service it?! Plonkers! I am taking it a friend (mechanic with ramp) to have a good look underneath, but I am not the type who really knows what he's looking at but my friend will hopefully help me out.

If I did buy it, considering the lack of service history, what would be the list of things to do/check? I know air suspension can be a problem, and rust, but I know little more than that. Would be great if there was a list of checks or replacements to make. If I can't see evidence of cambelt being changed then I would do that, but can't think of much else as I don't know Discos very well unlike the eggspurts on here :)
If it is any consolation to you, I never check to see if my service book has been stamped!!!!! I just own and drive the cars and I pay (a lot) for 'them who knows about them' to do the work!! What I do do is systematically save and file ALL receipts etc. for everything done on/bought for my vehicle and my previous one was on 253,000 miles and 18+ years old when I sold it on - all the 'big and important workings' still the originals.
Perhaps the present owner has all the receipts etc. for this vehicle?
My jag had a full main dealers service History from Colliers in Birmingham..
The services from what i can gather were shít, she came with no reciepts.

Rangie had a pertial service history but a full A4 box full of receipts and from what i can gather was cosseted by its first few owners.

D2 had a full service history, however was still hiding secrets..

Personally i'd look for a pile of reciepts over a stamped book!

Most garages i know don't even stamp the book.
ha thanks both. And yes I do agree, but a book of receipts shows care and organisation etc. I will find out if there is any other paperwork. After so many bad cars over the years, I am actually more interested in what the documentation/records says about the OWNERS, as opposed to the car. For someone to not stamp up their service book, in my experience it USUALLY (not always) indicates a bit of a sloppy character, the type who doesn't wash or look after their car in other ways. Never a good thing in my view, but then this bugger does look so tidy, gonna have to delve into it. Here's a few pics just for ****s n giggles, as my yank mate says :D ....






I always service my own vehicles, that way i know it's done properly.
Had a merc a few years ago, main dealer service as it was free. Some time after, i checked the air filter, it was beyond black. Couldn't see it ever stayed life as paper! When i questioned them, they said it's fine and not due for another 20k miles
Yep, i've heard all the horror stories and had plenty myself. I still like to see a stamp or receipt though, at least to know the car even SAW a mechanic during its life! I am much more keen if i see independent garages doing the work, never trusted a single main dealer in my life! I have a workshop now so even though I am no mechanic, I am not dumb so I would hope to take over the servicing myself at least changing filters and oils and easy stuff. This does look a tidy motor, I have to say. But I need to prevent my love for the look and condition of it from clouding my judgement! I want a really nice D2, must be one out there for me!
Cam belt? In a D2? Mine has a chain.;)
Today my MOT tester showed me an air filter they took out of a car that had had a full service history, neither he nor i had seen one as dirty in years. And he also says main dealer serviced vehicles are often the worst.
Apart from the rear chassis there is a host of things that might need checking, there are threads on here containing all this. But you can look at whether the oil pump pulley bolt has been checked, whether the exhaust manifold is warped and blowing, look for bubbles in the coolant expension tank, even when the little feed pipe if pinched up, to check for head gasket problems.
Others will jump on with other problems. (Starter solenoid contacts, rubber donut on propshaft, etc, etc,etc.)It does look clean but then the bodywork tends not to rust much. Can't see the back properly so don't know if it has a tow bar on it. Also no pic of the engine bay.
Do check that there are no lights on the instrument panel when running and that ALL electrical bits work properly.
Yes, I've done services on other people's cars and despite so-called service history I've found things like fuel filters that have not been changed for so long the canister has rusted through, gearboxes with sludge and water in the bottom, dirty air filters and a variety of things that suggest that nothing's been touched for a long while. You learn just as much from how it sounds and feels. Most things can be repaired, its just a matter of how long you've got and how much money you're prepared to spend. Availability of mechanical and electrical parts is pretty good, and they're often reasonably priced compared to parts for other marques. However, there's a lot of sheet metal origami that goes to make up the chassis and body which, if it rusts, commits you to hundreds of hours of grinding, cutting and welding.
I don't trust service histories, OK it can be a guide but I like to ckeck everything. I take overalls and lie underneath for ages. The problem is that the services keep some things OK but they miss others. Serviceing will not stop internal chassis corrosion and the chassis could be paper thin in places and nothing in the paperwork will show it. The owner may not know. The things that "kill" a vehicle are often not in the service history, they have to be found by carefull inspection. I do my own servicing and if you look down the service check list of (say) 40 items 35 are "look at" or cover things like wipers, key fobs etc, there's no more than 3-5 that are car killers. Its very easy for a dealer to stamp a book when the easy 95% of the list is done and the 5% that matters isn't. I'm from the school that puts paint dobs on the drain plugs before a serivce.
Really? I have never asked that question :D I didn't even know you could replace the chassis!!

I have investigated MOT history etc and I would say definitely not. Can't get hold of seller but will keep trying, but I would definitely assume it hasn't. Is that good or bad?!

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