What a crock of ****e but bet itd look nice with big wheels with spinners and a boot full of drugs or maybe a chavvy pimp
I think it would cost a lot less to just put a sign on the roof saying " I AM A **** " . Surely that would have the same effect for a fraction of the cost .
not sure it would go with my tweed flat cap and black Labrador:)

Vile is one word that spings to mind
i bet he thinks all those looks he gets when driving down the street is that it looks good, when really everyone thinks he a complete COCK!! what a spanner.
Blimey, I nearly choked to death when I saw that. What a hideous pile of excrement.

£550 QUID for a bit of unpainted plastic that sticks over your existing bumper and is held on by two self tappers!??!! He's got to be having a laugh. If you managed to get to more than 20mph against the wind resistance it would just fly off - probably the best thing for it.

You could almost buy a whole P38 for that much (and it would certainly look better than that!) :rolleyes:

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