
This is the Introduce Yourself part of the site. Now that you've availed yourself of, some of, the help there is available from our community. Perhaps adding a little more about yourself, what land rover/s you may have/had, etc, would be nice :)
Having looked at the ad. The seller is kind of trying to catch out those who have no idea what a 'lightweight' is. Whilst not actually lying.
They don't say it's a landrover 1/2 ton lightweight. It is described as a "Lightweight off road vehicle". Which, whilst subtle, is enough for those who don't know to not know ;)
It’s a bit of fun cobbled together. Not to say it doesn’t have its own charm but ownership would not be for the feint hearted.

For £3G you can get an entire whole LR
Looking at the image of the rear of the vehicle, is the astroturf being used to hide a problem? Looks like the right rear wheel is diffy?

Definitely one to give a wide berth to unless you don't have enough trouble in your life!
The eBay ad is showing as no longer for sale. Don’t know if it’s been sold or removed.
Welcome to the forum

Add says no longer available. They dropped the price to £2495 anorl.

It's as much a light weight as it is a Freelander. When tratter boys have a mid life crisis... the vehicle this fred is about it typical of what they do to their daily drive. Can only be summed up with 3 words...

Jesus fuking Christ.
'tis a bit of a giveaway when the seller actually puts this in the description :rolleyes:

"Don’t know much about it at all"

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