That's what I thought, I looked through all the online suppliers.... Might have to make my own. Thanks.
I bought a 5 door one to fit ours and there is no way as far as I can see. Shame, as I wanted it to stop the dog hair blowing everywhere when I open the windows!!
lol - so the one I have here isn't the only Freebie that is full of dog hair! - that's really pleasing to know!
lol - so the one I have here isn't the only Freebie that is full of dog hair! - that's really pleasing to know!

Where does it come from? We must have two dogs worth of hair in the car and it's only a couple of weeks since it was cleaned out. You'd think she'd be bald!
it's such a shame I can't take the hardtop off - well... I can, but I would have to wear a face mask and one of those white paper suits you can get!
They do pop up on ebay quite often.

Thing to do is go through all the "freelander breaking" types on ebay and ask. Most people breaking them don't realise that the parcel shelf is worth half the value of the car.

Protip: If you find one, make sure it comes with all the mounting bits... as they're impossible to get hold of now.
They do pop up on ebay quite often.

Thing to do is go through all the "freelander breaking" types on ebay and ask. Most people breaking them don't realise that the parcel shelf is worth half the value of the car.

Protip: If you find one, make sure it comes with all the mounting bits... as they're impossible to get hold of now.

Will do. Many thanks. I found a load of five door ones on Ebay and they stress that they're for 5 door only so didn't want to risk it.
There are two Freebie type groups on Facefeck
They have For Sale sections
easier to get a local type sellers there
Will do. Many thanks. I found a load of five door ones on Ebay and they stress that they're for 5 door only so didn't want to risk it.

Yes, the 5 door one is definitely not compatible with the three door.

A bit late on the reply to this one.....I have managed to purchase a 3 door parcel shelf off fleabay luckily for very little money. However, as already posted the fitting kits are as rare as chocolate fire guards. I too have done the rounds of the breakers yards etc. without luck and am now considering a home made fitting of some sort.

Does anyone have any ideas for this or pictures of their own made fittings?


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