I think we now know the answer to the original question.
Yes - the Freelander is the perfect car for you.
I think we now know the answer to the original question.
Yes - the Freelander is the perfect car for you.

Really witty answer that fella.

I disagree with your conclusion, but congratulate you on following the 'hound anyone who thinks slitty is a racist comment off the site' pack mentality, which has no doubt increased your popularity with your 'online friends'.
The problem with this country is that folk always look for the Politically correct line. Calling a Japanese vehicle isn't racist in the way you want it to mean. If a Japanese national signed up on here and was called a slitty then that is different and would be racist.

So, is calling a Freelander a gaylander homophobic? Banter is part and parcel of normal life, unfortunately the thought police seem to be everywhere. If you want a politically correct landy forum then I would suggest the LRO site or Landrovernet. However, the banter on there has largely been sanitised which makes things very boring. Good debate come from seeing all sides of an arguement and sometimes it is necessary to agree to disagree.
The problem with this country is that folk always look for the Politically correct line. Calling a Japanese vehicle isn't racist in the way you want it to mean. If a Japanese national signed up on here and was called a slitty then that is different and would be racist.

So, is calling a Freelander a gaylander homophobic? Banter is part and parcel of normal life, unfortunately the thought police seem to be everywhere. If you want a politically correct landy forum then I would suggest the LRO site or Landrovernet. However, the banter on there has largely been sanitised which makes things very boring. Good debate come from seeing all sides of an arguement and sometimes it is necessary to agree to disagree.

I agree with you that political correctness is one of the scourges of this country. I hate it. I work with lots of people from 'minorities' who hate political correctness too.

An example is an openly gay bloke I work with. He drives a Mazda MX5. He doesn't mind in the slightest me calling it a hairdresser's car, gay car etc. He knows it's that sort of car, and he's well aware he's gay. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't find the term gaylander offensive in the slightest either, any more than I would mind a bit of banter that I was gay for driving one.

I think 'Slitty' is a bit different. It's a comment on a basic physical trait of a whole race, which I think most people of oriental decent would reasonably find offensive.

I'm all for free speech, but I think there's room for a bit of respect as well. Many japanese car forums are trying to stop the use of the term 'Jap' for cars as Japanese people find it offensive. Maybe a bit over the top, but it's not much more effort to say Japanese. I definitely don't think it's too much effort not to refer to things as 'Slitty'

I agree it's great to see all sides of an argument, but maybe part of that is accepting that some terms aren't just 'non-pc', but actually offensive, and this idea shouldn't be dismissed out of hand.

There's nobody likes banter more than me, but if you want to vilify me for suggesting that certain things might just cross the line, then fair enough.
But where do you stop...little bald scouser ??? person of restricted growth with no hair from Merseyside ???

PC my arse .... do think that if you were to be obviously causing offence to a certain user then a PM should be able to sort it out.
As far as your open gay workmate is concerned I for one am very relieved that "he's well aware he's gay" because I should imagine thats the sort of thing that could come as a hell of a shock to you if you didn't know you were that way inclined.
Maybe he just suddenly inadvertently found himself up to his apricots in someone's marmite whizzway and then it hit him?
Maybe he just suddenly inadvertently found himself up to his apricots in someone's marmite whizzway and then it hit him?

Not as hard as it hit the guy he was rogering. He'd only bent over ta tie his shoelace :eek: :eek:

Sorry to hear of your wife's misfortune. I hope that she builds up her driving confidence in time.

All Land Rover products are tough. I was reading your original few posts and thought I would add this:


The Mazda was a write off due to repair costs. My 10 year old vehicle had a new light, towbar and bumper and continues to ferry me about.

There are a lot of horror stories regarding freelander reliability. Nobody ever posts when things are running well. My vehicle was a £550 HGF, that I resurrected over the summer holidays. 19,000 miles on (nearly two years motoring) only consumables (tyres, brake pads / discs / shoes) and a central door locking motor had to be replaced. HDC was fixed with a resolder as the wire had come away from the switch. A non cranking starter was fixed with a clean with emery paper on the solenoid terminal. I could go on, but won't bore the others....

I'm a LR fan, would love a P38 RR or a Disco 2, but these seem frailer than my freelander, so I'll stick with it for a few years (I couldnt afford the repair costs of the former, let alone do them myself). Last two MOT's have seen the freelander fly through without even an advisory!!

Hope you find a suitable vehicle regardless of model choice,



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