This is not exactly accurate as a TD4 registered after march 2001 is currently £210 road tax and will be rising only to £300 for 2009/2010. The £400 is if you have a petrol version registered after this date! ;)

This is not exactly accurate as a TD4 registered after March 2001 will be £400 if its an auto.
We looked at an x-trail but they have a habit of turbos failing and the engine runs on the oil and destroys the engine as well and thats a very expensive repair job.

Thank you Ched for your posting which quite made my day and brought a smile to my face. Possibly it will not have the same effect on a certain someone.
Ian. Yes it is me! 8th June sounds good if I can get my motor fixed. Need to put a new alternator on but the hernia op has slowed me down a bit. Will contact you soon. Was that vid really 18 months ago? My, how time flies

Have got a Disco TD5 GS Auto :) Had problems with the coolant system which radweld sorted until I went to Driffield and the radiator opened up like a good un on the way home - recovery truck job, only 90 miles to go - anyhow, new rad later and the charge light won't go out so after fiddling about with the wiring and attacking the alternator with the pressure washer I ordered a new one from Paddocks. Fair goes to Paddocks - ordered late Friday and the right one came this afternoon. Just need to fit it when I am feeling a bit better or when Kim has been on nights so that I can fix it and say "look at that, it fixed itself" I doubt I will get away with that as Kim's eyesight is sharper than the proverbial ****-house rat
Er. . . . .Earthlings ,i know this is the gaylander section, but can you gay boys jist pm each other. . . . . .;)

Er ming, I is a disco TD5 owner, is you jealous of a TD5 and a V6 LPG friendship.

Where's that big sloppy kiss smiley for ming :D
Before thinking about buying ANY vehicle, I always check out what honest John has to say. Honest John interesting what it says about Gaylanders, but equally scathing of any vehicle and lists most major factory recalls.
It slates Disco's P38's and Deependers just as much. Should read what it says about some slitties an softroaders :D
I did - but Minge wont like it :eek:

"Good: Excellent, honest vehicle, decent to drive on road and best in class off road. Better than original Freelander."
"100% breakdown free in 2003 Which survey. Nissans generally had slightly below average warranty repair costs in 2003 Warranty Direct Reliability index (index 94.77 v/s lowest 31.93). Link:- Reliability Index :: how reliable is your car? Fewest breakdowns and average for problems and faults in 2003 Which survey."
"is also better than any of the competition off road. By far the the best mid size 4x4 and a pleasure to drive."


hee hee:D

stand by fur the flack :rolleyes:
yer forgot this bit daft

Freelanders are't up to suburban kerb mounting, which is the main off road activity of these vehicles

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