hi ,you tend to find that the td5 is more quiet than the 300tdi,as there is not as much of a knoking sound,the td5 is smoother,and does pack more power only slightly tho,but the olf td5 does have probolems,the 300tdi's are quite reliable ! :)
hi ,you tend to find that the td5 is more quiet than the 300tdi,as there is not as much of a knoking sound,the td5 is smoother,and does pack more power only slightly tho,but the olf td5 does have probolems,the 300tdi's are quite reliable ! :)

and that has relevence to the OPs question how??? :doh:
Noise itself is not subjective. Loudness could be considered to be subjective but considering I asked people to compare them with a Gaylander TD4, people were able to provide some insight.

It isn't a daft question. I can't hear in my left ear and when travelling in a noisy car, that can be a nightmare, especially while driving. It can often be difficult or impossible to engage in a conversation with others and that can be really awkward. It all depends on how quiet the car is. Most probably don't even give it a second thought tbh, except chavs who typically like to make as much noise as possible.

The TD4 isn't too bad but when travelling at 70ish, I find it almost impossible to hear people in the back. When I had a BMW, I never had that problem so I definitely wouldn't want anything much noiser than a Gaylander TD4. Ideally I'd like a LHD car but those tend to be stupidly overpriced. :(

Get a Left Hand Drive! Sorted.
I have a D2 TD5. My mate has 2008 Freelander 2.

No comparison. Anything over 65 mph in the Disco, and it's pretty noisy. You do feel the need to speak-up a bit for normal conversation - especially if you're talking to people in the back.

In the Freelander it's more like a car than a Landy - much quieter at "normal" A-road and motorway speeds. The 6th gear is a big help, along with better aerodynamics and better-fitting doors...

Having said that I liike the sound of the Disco.

But I have AT2's and the Freelander is on road-bias tyres...even so, the F2 is much quieter (more car-like).
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I have a D2 TD5. My mate has 2008 Freelander 2.

No comparison.

But I have AT2's and the Freelander is on road-bias tyres...even so, the F2 is much quieter (more car-like).

The real question is this:

Would you want anyone to see you driving a Gaylander?
The real question is this:

Would you want anyone to see you driving a Gaylander?

Could be worse...imagine driving an Mitsubishi...with "WARRIOR" written on it...then you really would feel a prat! Time for a bag over the head in case anyone recognises me...

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