O Bife

Active Member
Hi all,

Over the last 4 days I have noticed that our RR (P38 BMW) has been taking a sec or two to fire up. As until the last 4 days it would fire up straight away I thought this delay rather odd. That was till just now when I went to start her. Nothing, just a clicking from the dash and some warnings showing at random choice (ABS, Traction Control, SRS etc). The lights sesm to be ok, but there doesn't seem to be enough juice to fire up the starter.

Could the battery be dead? (It isn't one of those with the power meter.)


Turn on the head lights and try to start up if they go out when the starter should be engaged - Your Batt is Flat...
sounds a bit like the starter solenoid to me, get your starter tested, if it was your battery it wouldn't suddenly find the power to start after a few tries, batteries aren't that inteligent:)
When my battery died I got exactly the same symptoms. It just sits there clicking away and not starting, not even attempting to turn the starter - lots of dash lights flicking on and off too.

I charged the battery and it worked again no problem. In my case the battery was fine, I'd just left one of the courtesy lights on for 5 days over Christmas when the car wasn't used!

Well, new things to report.

A mate just came around with his jeep and we tried jumping her over with leads. All we kept getting was a rapid clicking noise from somewhere on the right hand side of the engine block (as looking from the front towards the rear). Nothing else happened.

What are your thoughts on this???

the clicking will be your starter how did you put your leads on did you by pass your battery
try by pasing it so you just use your mates battery might be a starter problem not your battery
I agree, try bypassing the battery - I had an Espace where the battery died, I tried to jump it from my van and it refused to do anything, got the garage to have a look and they just stuck a new battery in and away it went.

Be warned that you will have to reset / resynch a few things on your RR once you disconnect your battery - remote fobs, radio, windows.

i have a disco 200td and had no problem with it the only thing was the heater plug relay i went and got some new bits and bobs to sort it out one friday afternoon got up on the saturday got called in work jumped in landy turned the key and the heater plugs worked and they been working now for six months
Yeah, but you can't plug your Series into Rovacom and have it tell you exactly what is wrong :D and as we know, the computer is always right about what is wrong :)

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