
Well-Known Member
Having had my 300tdi for a week, today I get to change all the oils and filters :) I'm quite excited, which I suspect is a little wrong...

It might be because I only have to pay for the engine oil and filters - all the other oils I get free at work!
It's not wrong. I change my RR engine oil every 3k miles which some say is abit to often but I do it anyway because I enjoy doing it lol
Are you using MTF94 for the main gearbox (R380)? Transfer and diffs use the same standard EP80/90 type stuff but I've heard that the R380 doesn't like it as it is too thick.
I think it's different when you're doing jobs out of choice instead of necessity. When it's fine and sunny and I've got no time constraints I quite enjoy it, when it's cold, dark and raining and I'm lying on the floor with crap falling on my face and I've got to get it fixed cos I'm up for work at half two the next morning and I should have been in bed a hour ago I find myself not loving it quite so much:(
I did my gearbox oil couple of weeks ago,diffs and engine oil next on the agenda,its a good thing to do when you get a new to you motor,you never know when the last owner had them done or even if correct oils were used.just make sure you can undo the filler plugs before you drain anything ;)
I think its the satisfaction of the job,knowing that changing oils and any other components is doing nothing but improving your landy.
It's like having a really good crap. Getting all that dirt out gives you a nice fresh feeling. I like it when the engine oil is so clean you can hardly see it on the dipstick.
It's a great feeling pulling off the drive having changed all of the oils, knowing that gorgeous clean fluid is starting to course its way through the engine and gears!

No - you're not wrong :)
Nope its a great feeling knowing that you are doing what you can to get the best out of ya Landy, they always feel and run better after lubes changed, grease them there UJ's too while under it :)
It's like having a really good crap. Getting all that dirt out gives you a nice fresh feeling. I like it when the engine oil is so clean you can hardly see it on the dipstick.

It reminds me of the old joke,

What's the difference between an egg and a good crap?

You can't beat a good crap:D
grease them there UJ's too while under it :)

damn it! I knew I'd forgotten something :)

Diff oils were a bit murky and smelly

gearbox was okay, transfer box smelly!

just he fuel filter to change and I'm happy (apart from a new clutch in a couple of weeks...)

Not my first defender, but its a keeper :)
Having had my 300tdi for a week, today I get to change all the oils and filters :) I'm quite excited, which I suspect is a little wrong...

Of course its wrong, you should only get excited about erotic things :censored:
If you get excited about oil it should be baby oil:censored::censored:
I'm looking forward to my next service already. I need to lay another 3000 or so miles down before I need one though.
I'm glad it's not just me who enjoys doing it then. I thought I was a weirdo and kept it to myself haha. It's certainly very rewarding knowing that all the oils are good!

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