
New Member
Ok I stumbled across a 6X6 yesterday that was in a completely unexpected place, hidden and forgotten about for what looks like 10 years as least.

So is it worth enquiring about ? Will it chew money up etc

Here's a pic I found of a very similar one on Southern Electricity Board


What do you reckon , worth a punt ?
anythings worth a punt at the right price;)
id go have a ganders not many 6x6 rolling around these days
Is the one you've found a series Land-Rover too? I think you should try to snap it up even if only to sell on to someone who will restore it. I reckon most people in the Series section of the forum would love to see some photos of it, especially of the underneath.
Gonna pass by later today and get some pics to guage condition etc so expect some later. Don't think it is a series but possibly ? Didn't catch the front end just saw it side on.

Will be back later with photies.
Course it'll chew up money its just a question of how much!! if its been out that long its gonna need some chassis/bulkhead repairs at the least tho!

Would be cool to see it runnin again tho, and always be worth a few bob cause its different

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