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Scrolling down facebook and find pictures posted by one of the companies who offer tours to Morocco amongst other places posting pictures of a UK laning trip with them and their customers getting stuck in deep ruts and getting generally stuck and damaging lanes.

I mean when we have a established company who people are paying to take them laning tearing up the lanes and then posting them on facebook for all to see, what hope is there really :confused: :mad:
they will all be closed at some point.

it might not be too bad a thing, as i suspect companies will end up buying private land, creating routes and charging per vehicle. then they can repair the lanes and all that
if you feel passionate about something dont you feel it's worth fighting for then, cos if everybody thought the same we'd be up **** creek by now
if you feel passionate about something dont you feel it's worth fighting for then, cos if everybody thought the same we'd be up **** creek by now

It's more about the fact that a company who sell themselves as experts in tours, etc. you'd expect to have some respect for the UK lanes... :(
They're trying to provide an experience that guarantees a return booking or good feedback on the forums for more bookings.

All they're interested in is money like most businesses
Cambs council are spending >£18,000 filling ruts in South Cambs alone. West Cambs needs about the same amount spending. So you can see why its an easy decision for a ROW officer working to a budget. They'd much rather spend the money on grass cutting to keep the 100's of walkers happy vs the few drivers; which I can understand.
Do we get to know which company it is?

I've screen shot the post so may upload it later... I suppose it's one of those pics that a few years I'd (and i guess most) would have thought "ouu that looks fun" but due to the more rescent problems with lanes being shut, etc. now go "ouu that's bad for the laning community" :rolleyes:
I've screen shot the post so may upload it later... I suppose it's one of those pics that a few years I'd (and i guess most) would have thought "ouu that looks fun" but due to the more rescent problems with lanes being shut, etc. now go "ouu that's bad for the laning community" :rolleyes:

Yeh, tbh, might be worth keep off a public forum.

I think its called getting old. I'm only 25 and there isnt much I haven't critised :mad:
One of the companies which offer a Morocco trip and go green laning is local to me. Whether it was them or another company, we won't know unless the pics get named & shamed..

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