Is it me or is his fuel tank, ratcheted to the chassis? Seriously?

:hysterically_laughi what a pile of junk.
Oh.. No..wait it's got a race cam fitted:pound:

That aint even a fender tank ratcheted to the chassis :pound:

Them tyres are AWESOME! For road use:pound:
i think youll find the 4 is what you will need to spend on it , nice to see hes had an offer then .

what you recon the offer was £100 :)
looks like its in his mums garden,
so no probs "storing" it,
it fits in so nicely with all the other cr@p,
as fer the race engine, well, after a 50cc moped,
anythings fast I guess,
and the only other thing about a 5 speed gearbox "wine"
is the 17 year old when he got an insurance quote i would guess....

oh well, dreams are cheap,
cut up & bolloxed fender insurance `aint!
I though it was another fred putting peoples stuff down.
Then I bothered looking,poor thing has been ruined ,its a £600 breaker now
I just offered him £300, he counter offered £3500! I know my offer was a bit cheeky but it is a butcherd 110, but his counter offer proves he is mental!

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