
New Member
Finally just got round to fitting the Christmas present CB today.

Now I live on the edge of a City (Bristol) but with the unit turned on I just get squelch on all channels.

Is this normal because nobody uses it any more?
Probbaly.Get near a motorway you might get truckers.Or weekends ya might get a few numptys messing and argueing whos got the best rig.
Not used alot - However i did get a local ferry company, a few old boys talking about random stuff (How there fans get blocked up ever couple of months :rolleyes: ect) near the coast last week :)
ive a cb, n i thought it wasnt workin as all i got was squelch, n never heard anybody, then eventually found it works ok, was in ullapool the other week n could hear a boy in brighton.....or he said he was.
there aint many pepps on cb anymore.... unlike early 80's on AM every fecker had one, i remember going on a protest with the old man when they were gonna make FM legal
I get a few users in mid wales and lots more in North - the M4 and A470 get a lot of trucker traffic and on off road events its great - I get about 10 miles range from my unit with a long airial and a low SWL.
Yes finally picked up some "interesting" conversations whilst near the M5 this morning so hopefully all is well.
Hi Spuddog

I live in Bristol and have just fitted my first CB. Not attached to the aerial yet tho!

I don't intend to use mine much, mostly for holidays/overlanding or events such as London to Brighton run.

I'll listen out for you though when I get it working!

Hi Spuddog

I live in Bristol and have just fitted my first CB. Not attached to the aerial yet tho!

I don't intend to use mine much, mostly for holidays/overlanding or events such as London to Brighton run.

I'll listen out for you though when I get it working!


Hi Clive

Well yes I was intending to use it the same as you are.

I'm not sure but I think the range is only about 2 miles. I live right on the east edge.

Was thinking about the L-B run. Do you need tickets? Is it too late to enter now?
ive a cb, n i thought it wasnt workin as all i got was squelch, n never heard anybody, then eventually found it works ok, was in ullapool the other week n could hear a boy in brighton.....or he said he was.

I too was in Ullapool the other week and had a few converstaions with lads in deepest Englandshire, its all down to skip and atmosperic conditions.

I have one in the Landy and one in the other tug I use for the caravan, as someone says it depends where you are and what you are using. Most of the real users are sitting on Side bands to get away from the eegits who only want to cuss and swear and inflate their ego

Spudy, which side of Bristol are you on? I just got my CB set-up in the lightweight, and like you only got a fuzz from it. Not sure what range i should be getting, but i thought I would pick up the M4 traffic from Warmly.

Aw well, off to the alps later, will have to sort it out when i get back.

Spudy, which side of Bristol are you on? I just got my CB set-up in the lightweight, and like you only got a fuzz from it. Not sure what range i should be getting, but i thought I would pick up the M4 traffic from Warmly.

Aw well, off to the alps later, will have to sort it out when i get back.


Cadbury Heath or Warmley if you ask the wife :D amazing.

Have a great time away :)
Well I walk the black lurcher dog "Spud" down Tower Lane most mornings cutting through from the football ground.

I'm off Cadbury Heath Rd

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