Yes! Love my 1.8. It's W (2000) 1.8 5 door and i've loved it since we got it. We've had it almost 2 years, and it just hit the 100,000 miles mark not long ago.

Got a job need doing on it at the moment but couldn't be more happy with it. It's always been reliable for us.

I'm 6ft 6, plenty of room in front for me, got wife and 3 kids, plenty of room for car seats, boot space just big enough for the pram, but the wife has chosen one of the biggest :D.

And it pulls our caravan with no trouble at all, so yes, i'm well pleased with ours :)
Christ on a bike - Do I "operate", NI :D

and I thort i was a pussycat ;).
I am sure Neale will learn that I am the least of his worries.

and after i said yu was a "respected member of LZ" anorl :tea:
Think yourself something don't ya, mate I don't give a **** who you are, or if you think your famous, to me you're a ****, people like you aint worth a ****e !!!
Morning kneel.
Have a bad nite did we, never mind - its a nice day.

Shouldnt yu be out polishing summat?
Some people have no idea let alone no sense of humour, Ive joined loads of forums for diff things as im sure you all have... spent a bit of time nosey'in round landyzone before i joined and it gave me an idea what to expect.
Yeah, same here, lurked around a bit, doing homework before buying a disco, liked the feel of the place so joined. The guy must have issues...:rolleyes:
Yeah, same here, lurked around a bit, doing homework before buying a disco, liked the feel of the place so joined. The guy must have issues...:rolleyes:
No issues mate, just asked a simple question, about the rail being referred to, didn't expect the sh*t thats all.
No issues mate, just asked a simple question, about the rail being referred to, didn't expect the sh*t thats all.
No one has been offensive to you neale, You didnt like what someone said so you came out with bad language and insults there was no need, Chill out take time to get used to the site and get to know some of the members.. Im sure you wont be sent to coventry unless you continue the way you have, There are many knowledgeable people who are only too keen to help so step back a little and enjoy :)
No one has been offensive to you neale, You didnt like what someone said so you came out with bad language and insults there was no need, Chill out take time to get used to the site and get to know some of the members.. Im sure you wont be sent to coventry unless you continue the way you have, There are many knowledgeable people who are only too keen to help so step back a little and enjoy :)
yeah i agree, but what was wrong with MAD HAT MAN giving the info instead of being a nob. I don't like people who like to see peoples downfalls, weather its me or anyone else's, he could have just told me or kept his nose out, simple !
yeah i agree, but what was wrong with MAD HAT MAN giving the info instead of being a nob. I don't like people who like to see peoples downfalls, weather its me or anyone else's, he could have just told me or kept his nose out, simple !
I can assure you no one on here like to see peoples 'downfalls' You took it the wrong way... Now chill out and enjoy the site im sure you'll find it and the peeps a great help ;)
Chill Neale
If yu get this upset by the posting of a picture, I hate to think what yu would be like if yu had the railing (sic) that BoB and Vivnap have to put up with - let alone LRD51 last nite :eek:.

If its one thing that ****es off long standing members of LZ, its noobies coming along and asking questions, without searching first. I suggest that you didnt look at these posts on LZ, let alone on :googleit:
Personal attacks (even if justified) are unnecessary. Now go take another Prozac, look in the Gaylander arms for Ming to cry with, join the black leffer arm rest gang and chill!
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Neale, Like Nathan said, chill. From what I've read in the past it's just MHM's sense of humour. I don't think he's looking for "downfalls" or owt like that...there's no point being aggressive (especially virtually) 'cos it ain't going to further your cause.

From my experience (even asking stoopid newbie questions) I've always been treated with patience and recieved help. If I told someone to go **** themselves then I think my reception may have been, err, frosty?
yeah i agree, but what was wrong with MAD HAT MAN giving the info instead of being a nob. I don't like people who like to see peoples downfalls, weather its me or anyone else's, he could have just told me or kept his nose out, simple !

MAD HAT MAN: Very nice fellow, known him along time, always been helpful, very knowledgeable, cutting sense of humour just like alot of us on here. ;)

Perhaps if you step off your soapbox and read between the lines you will see that people are actually trying to help you neale and that ****take is a prerequisite of the forum. :)

Please think on this because all you will succeed in doing is to alienate yourself and no-one will want to talk to/help you.

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