New Member
So, as posted in a spearate string in this forum, the problem of intermiitent engine warning light plus power loss has been resolved on my 10 year old 200000+ kms Freelander 2.0L.
The problem arose after my local garage (not a Land River specialist), removed/re-installed the fuel pump in order to swap out the #4 glow-plug (as well as the others). He had also changed the distribution belt in an earlier visit (becuqse my Land Rover garage omitted to change it during the revisions up to and including 180000 kms!).
Since my local generalist garage couldn't resolve the problem, I took it to Land Rover in Montpellier.
Appointment at 14h30 to do the diagnostics. I asked the technician how long it would take. He replied, "1hr, perhaps 1h30. Best to leave it with us for the afternoon". Which, like an idiot, I did. Three hours later I went to pick up the car. Problem solved. Timing was out of synch, so the garage corrected that. Warning light remains off. No power-loss and a much softer sounding engine.
But does that justify 2h30 of Time & Labor?
Details of the intervention :
- check error code
- reset error code
- check distribution timing
- dynamically adjust distribution timing
I think a good Land Rover garage could do that for 1hr of T&L max.
Can someone let me know if it can really take 2h30 for a competent Freelander technician to adjust the timing?
Thanks for taking time to read this.
The problem arose after my local garage (not a Land River specialist), removed/re-installed the fuel pump in order to swap out the #4 glow-plug (as well as the others). He had also changed the distribution belt in an earlier visit (becuqse my Land Rover garage omitted to change it during the revisions up to and including 180000 kms!).
Since my local generalist garage couldn't resolve the problem, I took it to Land Rover in Montpellier.
Appointment at 14h30 to do the diagnostics. I asked the technician how long it would take. He replied, "1hr, perhaps 1h30. Best to leave it with us for the afternoon". Which, like an idiot, I did. Three hours later I went to pick up the car. Problem solved. Timing was out of synch, so the garage corrected that. Warning light remains off. No power-loss and a much softer sounding engine.
But does that justify 2h30 of Time & Labor?
Details of the intervention :
- check error code
- reset error code
- check distribution timing
- dynamically adjust distribution timing
I think a good Land Rover garage could do that for 1hr of T&L max.
Thanks for taking time to read this.