nah! mines big and blue and yu can get both feet in it. Its even got grab handles if ya need any help.
The Mad Hat Man said:
crikey - support from the Minge twice in one day - i wud say i'm speechless - but yuz guys no diffrent;)

how the hell Chapelcotts is gonna make sense of this - i'm buggered if i no.
got slashed in hong kong charlies,southsea many a time,therefore POMPEY JOHN should know bugger all fases me
ming said:
Tractor boys are ****s Mondo reckons. . .

shoulda seen the tractor boys faces when I was at slindon :D :D

Missus was screamin ta get outta the Hippo, and me lad wer larfin at the tb's faces :D :D
I'll agree wi that!:p

Well mebee! I'm kinda fond of yella, and Slob, and Grunt dont ferget Grunt
He's from yorkshire yer no!;)
ming said:
Wot type earth animal is a kyack ? and isnt that cruel ta put it on the roof. . .
guess i aint getting me roof bars bars then. plus me very own kyack is getting the hump,not spending nough time with her got to go so soon fore she bites me!
mondo said:
I'll agree wi that!:p

Well mebee! I'm kinda fond of yella, and Slob, and Grunt dont ferget Grunt
He's from yorkshire yer no!;)
WERE all going on a summer holiday,no more workin for a weak or two. . .
hey guys
Snot is back!

just seen his erudite comments on anuvver fred!

he's a man of few words is our Snot - aint ee?
The Mad Hat Man said:
hey guys
Snot is back!

just seen his erudite comments on anuvver fred!

he's a man of few words is our Snot - aint ee?
he's a fookin **** Mondo reckons. . .:p
Well I gotta go lards.

Early start tamara, orf to the red bull air race :D :D

thats if the Hippo dont blow a gaskit ont' way :eek:
Got ta sort me root out an all tha' ;)

Plus its gettin too ecktik in ere.

carnt keep up so y'all have ta finish on yer own.

Shore i sed that ta the missus the uva night :eek: :eek:

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