Chris D

New Member
Hi guys,done a search but can't find what im looking for.

I still have a whine on the ird,but its not getting any worse,just wondering if i change the vcu will it last longer,the reason im asking is,i want to give it back to the finance company in six months time.

Typical knackered IRD whines when slowing down from 35-40 mph to stopping.

If it sounds like a milk float, and is noisy when under load, get the oil level checked.

If the VCU is knackered then taking the prop shaft off defo will make the IRD last longer. Depends how broken the IRD is already (and get you better MPG)
Thanks Vertuas,doesn't sound like a milk float yet,funny thing is,i cant hear the wine under load,especially on the motorway.Ill get the oil level checked and changed,see if it makes any difference.


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