

I would appreciate some advice with my Freelander L series. A couple of weeks ago I posted a message on here regarding a banging I was getting when reversing on lock - it was regular (like as if per each revolution of prop), very loud and would almost shake the vehicle - it was coming from the underside of the vehicle. This progressed into a regular banging going forward at about 25mph+ and various loud knocks, roaring (like loud tyre noise) and unpleasant sounds coming from underneath the vehicle. Car was immediately parked up pending investigation.

Got it taken to garage and they diagnosed seized VCU, possible IRD failure and associated large bill.

With some mates we took off the front prop/VCU/rear prop assembly this morning and car now drives perfectly in Mondo mode. No bangs, no vibration, no knocks and no 'tyre' noise. Reversing is 'bang' free and tight turns are so much fluid without the usual wind-up and dragging that was obviously caused by the seized VCU.

What I want to know is could there still be an issue with the IRD?, if it was knackered would I still get some indication even in Mondo mode? I know I can run the car in Mondo mode for ever more but I like the 4WD as I tow a caravan and will be visiting various muddy sites this autumn/winter. If I get a new VCU and re-assemble could all the problems re-appear?

I'm also having a problem separating the front prop from the VCU (rear prop came off no problem), is this common with a seized VCU?

Here's hoping for some advice & opinions, Cheers

What I want to know is could there still be an issue with the IRD?, if it was knackered would I still get some indication even in Mondo mode?
Depends upon the degree of damage. The bangs may well have been teeth shearing off the crown wheel in the IRD.

Drain the IRD oil and look for debris. If it is clean you probably dont have any problems. If there are small silvery particles or worse still broken gear teeth then it needs looking into.

Good luck.
Recon VCUs are reasonably priced now but before spending any cash, I would drain the IRD oil through a fine filter e.g. tights, and carefully look for any metallic lumps which may be parts of broken IRD components. You could also remove and inspect the IRD output shaft and inspect the gearing for damage.

"I'm also having a problem separating the front prop from the VCU (rear prop came off no problem), is this common with a seized VCU?"

This is usually due to corrosion on the splines, give it a good soaking in penetrating fluid for a day or two then drive a chisel in the gap between the bolt head (previously loosened a couple of turns) and the yoke, after a few good thuds with a hammer it should yield.
Cheers guys for super-quick replies, much appreciated. I will look into (literally!) the IRD oil ASAP, fortunately I have a lift to work this week so don't need to use it right away.

Managed to get the front prop off the VCU in the end, just needed a better chisel and a bigger hammer!!

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