
New Member
A quick question (and yes, if I had found this forum before buying it wouldnt be a problem!). The VCU on my latest purchase is in need of Doctor Bell :( but before I get to far into getting this changed, wondered if its possible to check the condition of the IRD?
Im thinking of draining the oil and see if this is clear or if its now a lovely silver/grey metallic colour :eek:
If the oil is OK, proceed with removing prop and VCU:eek:, but then also removing the pinion (5 bolts? - that if its possible to remove whilst on car) and physically check the condition of the gears - unless its possible to check these via the fill/drain hole?
Does these appear feasible at all?
And yes.....im closing the gate after the horse has bolted, potentially costly period ahead
The car (apart from the VCU) has been looked after, all 4 tyres changed at same time etc - just this potential VCU/IRD issue
Thanks :D
You'll first undo the fill plug right.

Then you'll undo the drain plug and will get an immediate indication of the IRDs condition - as you say whether its grey metalic in colour. If its not, I'd be pretty confident the IRD is in good condition.

You won't be able to see anything through the fill or drain holes.

In this and your other posts you're really concerned about your VCU and IRD but you don't say why. Is the IRD noisey?

You'll remove the props to change the VCU, and yes, you can then remove the pinion from the IRD while its still on the car. Before you do that though, just see how much play there is in it. There may be a small amount of rotational play, but shouldn't have any lateral play - that's an indication that the bearings are shot.

With the pinion removed, you can check the pinion gear for damage and also the crown gear - although you may have to roll the car forward to see all the crown gear.

If the oil looks reasonable and the pinion play looks OK though I wouldn't bother removing the pinion. It can be trickey to get on and off and the likelyhood is that the gears will get damaged only after the bearings have gone - because of the tolerances between the gears being trashed by 'loose' bearings. But you can make a call on that knowing what symptoms you've got at the moment and what you find when you get underneath.

btw - with the IRD being in the middle of the car, its a lot easier to work it from an inspection pit if you have access to one.

Good luck.
You'll first undo the fill plug right.

That much I have learned ;) make sure you can fill before you are draining!!

I am my own worst enemy. Ive stopped driving it until I can look into it further, hopefully tomorrow if it has stopped raining. Every noise is 'OMG something is broken!' especially reading through the many many posts here.

I will drop the oil, check play and if everything is OK, leave it there....if not, then we shall see what to do (2WD until I can afford to fix, which defeats the object of having a 4WD car)

Thanks for the response
you will find some grinding paste on the magnet, but this is normal, hopefully you won't find bits of broken teeth, or broken bearing.
I NEED a pit (and a garage) doing this on the drive, in the rain was not fun :crazy:

So......iRD oil out, no teeth came out, oil is filthy, there is some sheen to it (im going to put it through a filter and see what remains) and there is no play in the IRD output shaft - this I hope is good news :D

I did notice that I can see some of the gear through the filling hole, so if its dry tomorrow it will be jacked up and then slowly get the other half to turn the wheels so I can double check

With the prop-shaft off Ive noticed 3 things a) the VCU bearings are goosed b) the VCU doesnt have a damper! and c) OMG it drives SO much better!!! at the minute my mood has lifted slightly :D:D
That sounds like good news about the oil :)

I don't think the gear you can see is likely one that would cause problems in an IRD. I think its the take up to the 'lay shaft' if thats the right name for it. The ones that go are on the end of the pinion and the one it connects with which is on the far right of the IRD looking in through the pinion 'whole'.

Not all VCUs have dampers I don't think - I'd search on it - but wouldn't be unduly worried.
That sounds like good news about the oil :)

I don't think the gear you can see is likely one that would cause problems in an IRD. I think its the take up to the 'lay shaft' if thats the right name for it. The ones that go are on the end of the pinion and the one it connects with which is on the far right of the IRD looking in through the pinion 'whole'.

Not all VCUs have dampers I don't think - I'd search on it - but wouldn't be unduly worried.

Totally agree now Ive been looking at exploded diagrams...the ring is on the left hand side.....for my own peace of mind, I might drop the fresh oil, undo the bolts and have a look inside. That way I know its either good or bad!! Now Ive driven it in 2WD (and the total transformation) I would be happy to run it a bit longer if an IRD rebuild is required
Totally agree now Ive been looking at exploded diagrams...the ring is on the left hand side.....for my own peace of mind, I might drop the fresh oil, undo the bolts and have a look inside. That way I know its either good or bad!! Now Ive driven it in 2WD (and the total transformation) I would be happy to run it a bit longer if an IRD rebuild is required

lol, can't get my lefts and rights, erm right.
LOL - I 'believe' its on the left, but could be on the right!
Ive only been looking at online diagrams - im sure Hippo will have a photo somewhere :D tomorrow will tell
Thanks for the help, appreciated
Finished this today as yesterday was wet - and im getting too old to be rolling around on the floor with the wet stuff coming down.

Dropped the pinion out, no damage at all :D all internal gears appear OK, though there is some material that can be wiped off all the internal structure (im assuming from the gears meshing) - this is VERY fine and I would describe it as the same that came off the drain magnet

All I need to do now is find the P/N of the large O ring. Its all bolted together again so I can drive it, but before I put the expensive oil in, would rather make sure its replaced and not leaking :D

Now to do the rear diff mounts and up-rate the lower engine mount (as they are all in need to TLC)

Rather worried im enjoying this too much :eek:
Good news :)

Rather worried im enjoying this too much :eek:

Funny you should say that. I was rather "take it or leave it" about the Freelander for the first couple of years we had it. Then its IRD got trashed, and the initial reaction was anger and a severe dislike of the car! But then having worked on it and fixed it up it grew on me and I really like the car now. I even acknowledge that it was my fault it went not the car's - although the car made it very easy for me to do it!

Having had Discos for over 10 years before the Freelander, most work on that I found quite daunting just by the sheer size and weight of everything! It was great to be able to get under the Freelander and quite simply remove hubs, drive shafts, diffs etc.
To be honest, this is the first car Ive 'hated' now I know its only the VCU its become fun. Helped by the fact its my first 4x4 and a set of ramps is all I need to get under it :D
Takes me back to my aero engineering days - but I digress!
Im even tempted to get an old IRD box and pull it to bits...just because :D
p.s. nice salmon ;)
If you get an old IRD cheap and the pinion hasn't got to much lateral play in it, the gears should be in decent nick. You can also get yourself a bearing/seal kit for it, have your fun stripping it down and rebuilding it - then flog it off as a recondition unit and make yourself a few quid as well :) Assumes you have the tools to pull and push bearings - which I didn't so gave it to a gearbox shop to perform that task when mine went.

Which Salmon's that then?
You been fishing again Grumpy?

Had a few good Searun Trout in the last couple of weeks, but the Salmon aren't running yet! Maybe in the next few weeks after the current spate of floods/freshes finish.

Think Iain may have seen this on a post from last season's run....

While the pinion is out. See how much side movement there is in the crown wheel. There doesn't want to be any in either direction.
on my old car I thought I would give it a service before it went onto its new owner just to show I had looked after it so I did the oil change on the ird and the oil came out with lots of slivers of metal glad I got shut really.
Had a few good Searun Trout in the last couple of weeks, but the Salmon aren't running yet! Maybe in the next few weeks after the current spate of floods/freshes finish.

Think Iain may have seen this on a post from last season's run....


Hell's bells! I thought we disapproved of whaling down here!:D
Had a few good Searun Trout in the last couple of weeks, but the Salmon aren't running yet! Maybe in the next few weeks after the current spate of floods/freshes finish.

Think Iain may have seen this on a post from last season's run....

did you eat it ? I love fish but I do not think I could eat all of that and I can not wait until 2016 when I go to NZ

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