
New Member
Hi everyone, I've just joined the site and wanted some advice? I've recently purchased a MY04 Freelander 1.8 petrol. I am aware of the issues as I've owned a few of these in the past, in particular the VCU and the IRD. I have the knock coming from the vicinity of my IRD when turning at slow speed when the steering is at full lock and I've decided that the IRD must be at fault also, the beast has done 140000 miles and I know the VCU should be replaced every 70000. As there is no receipts to say it has been done I think it would be a wise investment to replace this too. Can anyone give me any advice on this? Also does anyone know where I can buy these two items? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Scotty.
I don't know what the "the knock" is - but there's plenty of different "knocks" that people experience with Freelanders - and most (all?) do not relate to the IRD. They're more likely roll bar bushes, drop links etc etc. If you get a 'knock' from the IRD - its generally a very big one followed by immediate transmission failure :)

Personally, I think you'd be unwise to spend a grand replacing the IRD & VCU because you can hear a knock. I'd want a lot more proof first.

First thing I'd do is change the oil in the IRD. If it looks new - then it probably is and won't tell you much. If it just looks like used oil, then you're IRD is probably fine. If it looks grey/metalic then could very well be in need of a recon IRD.

Does the car feel like its binding ip on reverse with full lock? ie coast backward and turn to full lock - does it slow down more dramatically than expected? This might indicate you're VCU is going. Do a 1 wheel up test (see the cFAQ) - it will give you a very good idea if the VCU needs replacement. Some VCUs can go virtually indefinitely, others fail more quickly - presumably due to the life they've had. If yours is good and you replace it - you're throwing money away.

What is more immediately important than the VCU, are your tyres. Make sure they're all the same make/model and reasonably even wear. Definitely check the pressures in them - make sure they are all the same - its hugely important. I'd say more transmissions are stuffed by incorrect tyres than the VCU beginning to 'lock up'.

If you do need an IRD, I think the concensus is that its not worth going anywhere other than Bell Engineering. If you want a VCU, you have a choice of a new GKN unit (that are presumably the same where ever you buy them) or recon - be more careful with recon, once again I think Bell can help there.
Hi Grumpy, thanks for getting back to me, your response has made me think, maybe I'm making a mountain out of a molehill! It's not a big noise it's more akin to a creaky knee joint if you get my drift? As for the binding feeling? I definitely get that when I'm reversing which is why I thought the VCU was on its way out. I'll give my tyres the once over this morning. Thanks again for the advice mate.
The VCU does bind. Try the hippo one wheel up test in the sticky section above and see what happens from there.
The VCU needing changed at 70000 miles is another myth from the same location that the myth of the HGF happening at 40279 miles came from
The VCU needing changed at 70000 miles is another myth from the same location that the myth of the HGF happening at 40279 miles came from

Possibly true. Although with a relatively cheap VCU, destroying a not cheap IRD, Caution is prudent. I've had a VCU start to stiffen up at just 35K miles, I believe Hippo had a similar thing. Yet i'v seen plenty of reports of 100K miles plus VCUs about. To be sure I'd still replace at 70K. But testing quarterly using the one wheel up test is the next best thing.

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